Although I enjoyed reading yearly round ups on other peoples' blogs, I had no desire to do one of my own. This was primarily laziness, I admit. I didn't write a 2014 Goals post at the beginning of last year, because at that point I was still on maternity leave with a five month old baby and really wasn't sure what the year would hold for me. 

A lot changed over the course of 2014, and now I am back at work, with a different job than the one I left in 2013. I work four days a week and the weekly routine is busy with work and childcare. Often I just want to sit on the sofa in the evening and watch a couple of episodes of The Good Wife before bed, but I still try and fit in sewing when I can. I enjoy sewing so much and it's important to have something that's just for me. All in all, life is good and I feel very lucky. 

Anyway, I wanted to write a few thoughts about what I hope 2015 will bring:
  • Sewing and knitting practical items I love to wear, using my stash of fabrics and patterns. 2014 saw me defining a favourite era and pattern company (New Look Maudella 1970s-80s, in case you'd forgotten) and I have a good amount of stash from which to plunder.
  • Co-hosting something exciting in the sewing blog world (I'll leave it at that, for now)
  • Meeting online sewing friends in real life - one of the best things about the sewing blog community
  • Making my wardrobe work a bit better - sorting out things I don't love and wear
Outwith my blog, I would like to sell our flat (It's been on the market for several months) so we can move somewhere bigger, and also develop a regular exercise schedule that works for me. An extra couple of inches around my waistline are showing no signs of budging without persuasion. Pre-pregnancy I'd been roughly the same weight and shape for ages, and changes really complicate garment sewing.

So that's it. I'm not committing to learning any new skills or tackling any ambitious projects. Making clothes I want to wear every day is a big enough goal for me, and I want to continue enjoying that process.

K x


  1. Those are great goals for 2014. Happy New Year!

  2. You made very attainable goals. Family and self are balanced. Exercise is good mentally and physically. I don't know one woman whose body snapped back to what it was pre-baby. It's not necessarily a bad thing. You are a different person now with different responsibilities. But there is nothing wrong with being your best. Happy Hogmany! I'm following a blog called nhknits.com. She hails from your neck of the woods, but lives in my neck of the woods. Best of both worlds :)

    1. Thanks pattyc, I'll have to check out the blog you mention. I definitely feel different in lots of ways since having a baby but even pre-baby I wasn't particularly fit so exercise would be a good thing for me to be doing - at last! :-)

  3. Sounds like some exciting plans :) Also, The Good Wife. So good.

    1. We are very addicted to The Good Wife. Plus there is just so much of it

  4. Now that is the most heartwarming look forward into 2015 I've read yet! :)

  5. Happy New Year, Kerry! I didn't really want to do a round-up post or a resolutions post either, although I have enjoyed reading other people's. Good luck with selling your flat and with the new blogging venture, and I hope very much to be able to catch up with you again in person in 2015 - I'll hopefully be in Glasgow for a conference later in the year so I will keep you posted about that! x

    1. It would be lovely to catch up again this year - Happy New Year to you too! x

  6. Good luck, and see you at the end of the month :o)

  7. Happy New Year! Great goals, and I am intrigued by your co-hosting hint. Sounds exciting!! And yes, I am with you on that baby weight thing. :(

  8. Happy new year! I loved reading your post :) My main goal this year is to work out what I want from my wardrobe. I too have extra inches (and have to accept that some might be here for good), and 99% of my prebaby wardrobe just doesn't fit :( But also, my lifestyle has changed, so it's a good opportunity to revisit my style/wardrobe and maybe sew a few good pieces that will work well in this new phase. I'm just not that thrilled with relearning to fit my body! ;) x

    1. Happy New Year! I definitely agree that it's a good chance to re-think your wardrobe. I have been getting rid of some things I don't love but am actually grateful that I have held onto a few things I made before that were a bit big and I never liked much, because now they fit well!

  9. What perfect goals - achievable and realistic!
    I am so bummed, I was supposed to go to Dumfries early next month (to judge a competition) and I was hoping to tie it in and meet up with you again, but unfortunately my trip was called off :( Hopefully I can go next year

    1. What a shame! That would have been fun. Hopefully next year then. :-)

  10. Wishing you a great 2015 Kerry. Those goals look like a good focus and eminently achieve able! Enjoy 😀

  11. Happy new year! I hope the flat sells and you don't have to live with those frantic clean ups before a showing...ugh.

    Your goals are fluid and doable, so perfect! I'll be interested to see what you create.

  12. Happy new year Kerry! I think your goals sound really doable. I'd also like to sew with the patterns & fabric I have as I have plenty but just not much time to sew! Good luck with selling your flat!


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