Finished: Horatio, A Vintage Christmas Horse

My final project this year is a special one. It was a Christmas present for Miss Kestrel (who doesn't qualify as Baby Kestrel any longer), made using this vintage Style 4351 sewing pattern from 1973 for animal floor cushions:

I bought it over two years ago in a charity shop in the Lake District. I thought it was so cool that I couldn't resist buying it, even though I didn't have any children at the time. They'd also work as foot stools too, don't you think? I really love the elephant but I don't think it looks very comfy to sit on. Ditto with the Camel. So, I went for the horse.

 Wearing his Christmas bow

In the spirit of the 70s pattern styling, I decided that it would need to be a bit more interesting than your usual brown or black horse. So, I plumped for bright green. Of course! The body fabric is something man-made with a velvet-like feel. The mane, tail and saddle are fleece. The pattern recommends felt for these parts but I wanted to make the cover washable, so fleece was a better option. I used some felt scraps for the eyes and the mouth and nose were hand-embroidered
Dot kissing the Loch Ness monster (aka Horatio pre-covering)

The pattern has you putting the stuffing directly into the body but I wanted to have a removable cover so that it can be washed. I made the body using a charity shop bed sheet (without adding the ears) and then added two zips to the cover so that it can be slipped on and off easily. Also, the horse now has an unzippable bum flap:
 The zips curve around the side and underneath the horse

I wish I'd recorded how long it took to make as it was put together over quite a few evenings and afternoons. The cost was around £50 for materials, all of which came from Remnant Kings. The project was accompanied by several freak-outs, namely:

The Nose Sewing Freak Out - Ugh, sewing the nose was the trickiest part of the horse. You have to ease a long strip of fabric onto the two curved sides. and easing is my least favourite thing to do. It required loads of ripping and re-sewing and the end result isn't perfect but it's good enough and mistakes aren't too noticeable.

The Stuffing Freak Out - I hadn't bought stuffing at the same time as the fabric and when I got to this point and looked in the pattern, it stated that I needed 4kg of stuffing. Checking the Hobbycraft website to get an idea of cost told me this would cost £48 if I bought it from them. Just for stuffing! Eek! A lot of money when you're not sure how something will turn out. Luckily when I phoned Remnant Kings the next day, I found out it would only cost £20 from them. Phew. But it was a whole black bin liner full:
The Goblin Horse Freak Out - Before the mane, tail saddle and bridle were added, this thing looked really GREEN and I had a vision of her seeing it and starting to cry because it was too scary. Once it was finished, it looked much better than I thought.

The 'Will She Like it?' Freak Out - I'd put a lot of work into this and toddlers can be as unpredictable as cats when it comes to the things they like. I'd be really sad if she didn't want to sit on it.

The End of the Project Freak Out - The reins and bridle were the last thing to sew and I was making a real mess of this simple bit of sewing. I had that thing you get at the end of a big project, where you get really stressed when the end is in sight. My Current Husband had to talk through this nonsensical freak out.

The result? She likes it!
Christmas Day action shot of riding the horse

When she first saw it she spent a bit of time petting its mane and then sat on it and 'rode' it. I think she'll get a few years of use out of it too.
Enjoying a festive sofa advert

Happily, this horse is a great way to end the year of my #vintagepledge to sew from vintage patterns. I originally pledged to make 3 items from vintage patterns but actually managed to make 7. This year I really got into vintage patterns in a big way, finding that the mid-late 70s to early 80s was an era that I particularly love.

Next year will see more vintage patterns sewn by me. I have a pile that I can't wait to get started on.

I'll see you in 2015 - Happy New Year and thank you for reading and commenting this year. It means a lot and keeps me motivated to sew and blog.

K x


  1. I'm in love! What a brilliant make. xxx

  2. I'm glad your little girl appreciated it, it's brilliant!

  3. This is AWESOME!! I want to make elephants for my living room now!

  4. Excellent, every horse needs a zippable bum ;o)

  5. So cool! Glad she liked it. Best vintage pledge make I have seen!

  6. This is fantastic. You could make giant ones for adults. Oh, it's just me that wants one then ;)
    I bet you little girl loves this. Xx

  7. What an awesome horse! It's perfect for her. You put a lot of thought into making it (i.e. the zips), and she will get a lot of use out of it. I have to agree, no more baby, but a growing up Miss. Happy New Year to you too!

  8. I think it's gorgeous & completely irresistable!

  9. Well done you what a wonderful horse! Lovely to see Miss K enjoying it too :)

  10. What a wonderful make! She loves him. Happy sewing in 2015.x

  11. This is so cute!!! Of course she loves it!!! Well done on 7 vintage patterns. Looking forward to seeing what 2015 brings!

  12. Such a fantastic horse, I bet he becomes a totally treasured toy and is still in your living room in 10 years time!

  13. That is too cute! I love it that she patted the mane before she got on - adorable!

  14. I can only echo the other comments - really cute horse, cuter little girl! A very worthy vintage pledge!

  15. A truly fabulous make. I had a giant cat floor cushion as a child, made by my Nan. It was purple with green felt detail and I loved it to pieces. I am sure she will love her new horsey for many years to come.

  16. That's so cute! Your daughter obviously loves it. Smart to make the cover washable!

  17. Hehehehe! It's so good! She's a lucky little lady.

  18. This is cuter than cute! I almost want one. Great make if it makes a little happy!

  19. It's just delightful, clever Mummy!

  20. Your horse is amazing, and I am now devastated that I don't have a camel footstool.

  21. That is just adorable, bum flap and all.

  22. Such an awesome gift for your babe! I love it!!!

  23. This is so cute and fun! What a great gift!

  24. Thanks for your lovely comments everyone!

  25. Oh my goodness, Horatio is ADORABLE. Very Happy New Year to you!

  26. Ooo!! This is brilliant! I'm so glad your daughter loves it.

  27. What fun for a small person! I know what you mean about the end of project freak out, haha. I'm glad it turned out so well.

  28. This is undoubtedly my favourite thing I have seen on the Internet this Christmas! 70's toys have such a lot of charm and the photos really made me smile, especially the one with the cat kissing the horse and your daughter sitting on her present. Well worth all your effort (and a little bit of stress!). Thank you for sharing x

  29. I agree with Phillipa. Best thing I've seen in ages. Like my mouth gaped open when I first saw it. Plus that elephant also looks brilliant! Your daughter is going to remember that horsie (and that you made it) when she's a little old lady.

  30. This is just adorable! I just love how you have customized this pattern to make it removable - so practical for kids! I just love the elephant and I have been looking for this pattern EVERYWHERE with no luck. I was wondering if you could share any details of this. A pdf would be amazing, but even the shape of the pieces would be nice. I was also wondering if these are weighted for stability or just stuffed and if there is any stiffening in the bottom piece? Thank you for any info you can help with. I have looked for this pattern for so-o-o-o long! It is nice to know there is hope out there for finding it! Your little cutie makes a precious cowgirl! I am sure she will treasure her horsie for years to come! 'Ride 'em, Cowgirl!'

    1. Thanks for your comment. I don't think I could make it available, due to copyright reasons. If you email me I can take a picture of instructions to show the shape of the pieces, if you like? It's not weighted in any way as there are nearly 4kgs of stuffing so it's pretty solid! No stiffening in the bottom piece either.

  31. I actually love this so much! I would love to make one (even though i also have no children yet). What a super cute idea!

  32. Hi
    Love this pattern!! Is it possible you could share the cutting out pattern for me? It's very hard to come across this one and I've been looking for a while ! Your horse turned out great :) would love to give it a shot !!

    1. Hi there
      I will do a follow up post with a picture of the pattern pieces as I have had a couple of requests

  33. I had the camel and my brother had the horse in the early 80s. I'm desperate to make a donkey version based on the horse pattern for my little girl but my mom chucked the pattern out. Any chance you could photograph it pls.


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