Work In Progress Wednesday

It's been ages since I've done one of these work in progress posts. This is a hat I'm knitting, to match my new (charity shopped - but I promise I will blog it soon!) winter coat. The pattern is Alicia Plummer's Mullspice. I found it on Ravelry using their brilliant patten browser where you can specify yarn and garment type, plus a whole host of other criteria. It's a truly fab feature.

The pattern uses a provisional cast on so you can rip it out after a few inches and knit those cast-on stitches together with the stitches on the needles to make a cosy double thickness brim. I love the thick cable design but what I like much less is the nubby pattern that makes up 3/4 of the hat and requires alternating between kit and purl, which I find annoying. I hope I really like the finished hat to make up for that annoyance. As a result progress is slow and I have been happy to be distracted by crochet instead.

The yarn is Drops Karisma, a DK weight wool bought at Queen of Purls.

K x


  1. Ooh what a cool design :) I can't get enough of Ravelry, the amount of time I waste on there... well, time spent researching patterns I may use, obviously.

  2. A couple of quick questions: This doesn't use dpn, right? Also, I have made the Irish Hiking Scarf so I'm familiar with cables, but I still consider myself a beginner knitter (but I'm probably not). Is it difficult to knit, or just you need to pay attention to what you are doing? Someday I will get over my fear of dpn. Someday...

    1. Hi pattyc, yes this is knitted in the round so you'll need to use DPN or a circular needle (I'm using my knitpro circular here). It's not hard to knit, the cable is my favourite bit as I find the main stitch pattern where you alternate between knit and purl for each stitch to be really tiresome and you do have to pay attention quite closely as it's easy to go wrong and then throw the pattern out

  3. Lovely colour and it looks really cosy. One day I will learn to knit...

  4. What a lovely cosy design, that double brim in genius!

  5. This looks like it's going to be so lovely!


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