WIP Wednesday

A long-standing Work in Progress, begun in January 2012 and then abandoned, for a reason now forgotten. This knitting work in progress is Gudrun Johnston's Aestlight Shawl. I've made this before, in bright red, and that version is such a favourite that I started this one in blue, using a deliciously soft alpaca yarn - Artesano Inca Cloud.

I'd previously made a small shawl/scarf thing with this yarn but never worn it, and I will probably have to dig it out of storage to unravel so that I will have enough yarn to finish this.

But finish I will!

What's the longest you've had a work in progress before finally finishing it? And was it worth finishing?

K x


  1. Long standing WIPs are the worst - especially if they aren't hidden away! I have a quilt that I've been working on for years. The piecing took no time, but I decided to handquilt it, which is unbearably tiresome so I tend to abandon it. Perhaps I should pick it up again - maybe finish it in time for this winter!

  2. It's odd, isn't it, that one can have such a vastly differing experience knitting a project even though the pattern is the same? I've had that happen too.

    My longest WIP took me 8 years - an Alice Starmore cardigan. For the better part of those 8 years, it was in hibernation :-)

  3. Oh wow, it looks so intricate!

  4. I'm trying to decide what to to about my two wips right now - and was hoping to solicit advice from readers of my blog. Haha, I better get that post up soon. My two wips are sweaters that I was working on before daughter was born, and she turns a year this month! Yours definitely looks worth finishing, that yarn is gorgeous.

  5. That's such a gorgeous colour and texture. The longest wip I ever had was a needlepoint I began in 1995 and finished in 2010! I was very glad to have finished it but I do like having a few wips on the go.

  6. I have an unfinished make from 2010 which was my second ever project. I refuse to get rid of it though as I will save it eventually!! Good luck with your knitting


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