Spring Sewing Swap Round Up: Post Your Links!

It's been lovely seeing blog posts and tweets about the Spring Sewing Swap. Even though I wasn't taking part this year I was still lucky enough to receive two lovely parcels from sewing bloggers who sent me something to say thanks for organising. How sweet is that?  The thoughtfulness and generosity of sewing bloggers never fails to delight me.

First of all I got a package all the way from Ingemaakt in Holland:
 Check out the wrapping!
Inge kindly sent a length of lovely wool, two great patterns and some pretty wooden buttons. I'm planning to make a skirt from the wool and it will be perfect for my winter wardrobe which needs a bit of a revamp/major overhaul this year.

Then, Louise from Thread Carefully treated me to:
Some fab striped jersey, sent with a great postcard of a Vivienne Westwood dress from the V&A (I love that place). I was thinking of my go-to jersey pattern the Renfrew but then thought it might make a nice baby dress instead, as a bit of unselfish sewing. (You can see my knees in the photo as I took it in the car on the way to my holiday, as I passed the postman on the way out and he gave me the parcel!)

So that was me! Thank you so much Inge and Louise for your lovely parecels, they were much appreciated.

Now onto all of you swappers. You can add a link to your blog post about the swap below so that we can all have a nosey at your swap goodies. I hope you enjoyed it and it will be back next year as usual!

K x


  1. Thank you so much for organising - it's always so much fun!

    1. You're very welcome, glad you enjoyed it

  2. Thanks again, Kerry, for hosting this swap. There's so much fun involved- firstly in putting together the package for one's swappee, secondly in receiving a swappy parcel and thirdly, reading all about everyone else's swaps. I'm having a great time catching up with everyone's swap experiences!

    1. I love seeing all the packages too, so many sweet and thoughtful parcels

  3. I just need to take pictures of my items. Thanks for hosting this!


    1. You're welcome! Look forward to your post

  4. Seems my parcel to Germany will be the last one%(( Already a month on the way%(


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