Stash Additions & Thoughts on Stashing

Even though I've been on a craft budget recently, due to some charity shop luck and a birthday (way back in March!), some new fabrics have entered my stash.

First of all the charity shop finds:
Double bed sheet (M&S, polycotton, £2.99 I think) Like many old sheets it's seen time as a dust sheet so there are some paint splatters and some worn bits. I was thinking a simple gathered skirt but I might have enough for a summer dress, plus I could cut around the unusable areas

Then I had a very lucky find at one of my regular charity shop haunts which had been given a donation of boxes of fabric with each piece being sold at £2.49 regardless of length or fabric type. There were some lovely quality pieces of fabric but I only picked up the pieces I really thought I would use. This was in part influenced by the fact that the fabric had come from the stash of a lady who'd died. It feels wrong to let it sit in my fabric for too long - it should be used and loved
 This photo doesn't do justice from the amazing electric blue colour of this wool. About 1.5 metres for £2.49, the same price as the next 3 pieces
 Some cotton fabric, a few metres. Unfortunately I made the mistake of washing it with another non-colourfast fabric which bled blue-green dye into the white flowers are a bit grey now. It really reminds me of some curtains we had in our house when I was growing up and the yardage is pretty narrow but I can see it working as a skirt
 I was really taken by this fabric, printed with motifs from the artwork of Georges Braque. It is by Makower fabrics, which is not a name I'd heard before but they are well known for quilting and craft fabrics. This fabric is definitely suitable for a dress though as it's a lovely quality and quite soft. I can't see it as anything except a typical fitted 50s dress (or maybe a shirt dress) with a full skirt, can you?

 I got 90cm of this fabric which I think might be silk twill. It feels delicious in any case and I find the print intriguing - vintage-style nursery rhyme illustrations and letters on black. Black?! Immediately it struck me as a quirky Liberty print but that would be incongruous age-wise with the rest of the stash fabrics on sale which were 80s/90s. Anyway, I should be able to squeeze some kind of top out of it.
This IS Liberty (Tana Lawn), one of three fabrics I got from Mandors on my birthday as a gift from my Current Husband and using vouchers from my In-laws. I got plenty to make a dress and I think this is a lovely fabric for Spring/Summer though I do wonder that I chose something so subdued when faced with racks of lovely Liberty fabrics. I'm not usually a 'fabric before pattern' type of sewer so I think I was erring on the side of caution here. Nonetheless, it will be a delight to sew with.
Mushroom print voile - too cute and I love mushrooms. Will make a great top and I possibly have enough to squeeze a dress although I think the beige colour may be unflattering as a dress without clever use of the orange-red to accent
Gorgeous green silky poly to make a half slip, which is much needed and I really, really have to prioritise making (but won't).

It's nice to add a few more fabrics to the stash (collection?) and I have plenty from which to choose - currently about 3 drawers of fabric which is a good amount. There are some things that have been in there a couple of years but I feel confident that I will still actually use them. I did a good de-stash before baby Kestrel was born and got rid of fabrics that I thought I was unlikely to use. If you don't love it, why hang on to it?

At the beginning of the year, when sewers often make rash promises about not acquiring fabric/patterns and such-like, Kristin of K-Line wrote an interesting post about why she is not on a stash diet.  One of her points being that it's great to have some kind of stash for when the mood strikes you to sew, and particularly have a stock of fabrics that you usually sew with, be it knits or wovens. A stash full of fancy silk that you're too scared to touch or wool that needs dry cleaned is not an efficient stash. I definitely have some 'special' fabrics that I have still decide what I'm going to make with them but on the whole I have a 'collection' of fabrics that I'm excited to sew with. Now, just to get the time to sew - if only I could build up a stash of sewing time then things would be great.

K x


  1. Wow! that is an impressive haul you have there - love the mushrooms :)

  2. You got some amazing fabrics! I'm in love with that Bracques print - I have a few Makower prints, and I think that company has some really fantastic fabrics.

  3. Oooh, I love your fabrics - what great deals. The worsted wool is particularly lovely. And I haven't changed my stance on having the usable fabrics available at all times. It's so great to be ready to roll whenever the impulse strikes.

  4. You have had some luck! I really love the M&S sheet, the print is so vibrant I'm sure noone would notice the odd paint splatter.
    As long as i can shut the lid on my ottoman I don't see any harm in hoarding! xxx

    1. Ha ha you're right, it's a forgiving print

  5. What a lovely collection to add to your stash. The liberty tanka lawn is just gorgeous, and I love that nursery rhyme/letter fabric too. Lucky you!

  6. I have amassed a larger than average stash, although I know what I want to do with most of it. I have stopped buying vintage clothing as it's expensive and far too fragile for daily wear. Vintage dress fabric or vintage style dress fabric is my new obsession. I just found some of the Makower after seeing this - in a different colour way, for a summer dress. Lovely stuff.

  7. Ha! You are so right there. Time is definitely the issue! My principle is, if it's second hand and in colours I like, I will generally buy it. I really can't afford a lot of new fabric and I like reusing anyway. I can't imagine having a stash of precious fabrics, I would probably be too scared to sew and wear them!

    1. It's relatively rare to find fabric in charity shops, so it's hard to resist

  8. awesome charity shop finds! its amazing when that happens :)

  9. awesome charity shop finds! its amazing when that happens :)

  10. Oooh, fabulously shopped there!

  11. Gosh, what a fabulous lot of fabric. Love the mushroom one, the M&S sheet and the Liberty one. Ooh and the electric blue fabric - what a colour! Xx

  12. I organised my stash (but I am taken with the term 'collection') the other night. Whilst I did not intend to amass such a lot in a short period of time, looking at it makes me happy and I know I will end up making things I would not have planned if I had gone to the fabric store with a specific project in mind.
    Well done on the restraint at the charity shop - I think I would have bought the lot!!!

    1. Don't worry, I told my friend and she bought up some of the rest of the charity shop stash!

  13. Ooooh, lovely fabrics! The mushrooms are brilliant.

  14. Gorgeous selection... Where is this charity shop of which you speak?! ;)

  15. Gorgeous selection... Where is this charity shop of which you speak?! ;)

    1. It was the Salvation army on Victoria Road and I got the duvet cover from the Sally Army on Dumbarton Rd

  16. Oh dear, I need a stash of sewing time too! I'm okay with stash building, especially now that I am a 2 hour round trip away from my favorite fabric shop (when it used to be 5 minutes).

    That blue wool is amazing, and I love the Liberty fabric that you picked out!

  17. Some great finds there. I love charity shop fabric hunting. In fact I've picked up a very similar length of worsted wool. Mine's mauve and I got about 1.5mtres too but mine was even more of a steal at £1!!!!

    U've got me thinking about my stash. I have lots of fabric that I would never want to wear but I keep it around as it's useful for toiles- I'm no expert at fitting so I go through a lot of fabric that way.

    1. Sounds like a great bargain! I've got some old duvet covers I use for toiles, They're a good thing to pick up from charity shops too

  18. Ooo, what lovely fabrics! I'll look forward to seeing what you make with them.

  19. Ooh what excellent finds, you were so restrained, but very wise! You are right, it's getting harder to find fabrics in charity shops, which makes it all the exciting when we do!

  20. Ooh love the liberty, the nursery rhymes and the mushrooms (I have them in the pink/red colourway). I am currently trying to sew as much of my stash as possible before I move house because I'd rather move garments than boxes of fabric!

  21. Can't wait to see what you use the mushrooms for!

  22. What a great collection - and I love the idea of calling it a collection too. I only try to keep my fabrics to the space allocated to them. As soon as they expand beyond that space I start restraining myself :)
    I'm looking forward to seeing what you make with these treasures!!


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