
Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Summer Sewing Swap - What I Got

On Monday I received my package from my swap partner Leni of The Big Dipper Said.

Leni had chosen a '4th of July' theme and here's what I got:

 Some fun patriotic fabric - My Current Husband immediately earmarked this for a shirt

 A sewing supplies catalogue from 1950 - I love this, and am going to feature something from it in a future post.

Cute clothing labels and RAYON SEAM BINDING - is it weird that I'm really excited about using this? I've never had any before.

Box of sweet snaps and buttons

Thanks Leni!

So, as I've said before, I will post next Wednesday and then you can all post links directly to your blog posts about your swap parcel  (once I work out how to do that with one of those link tool things that lets commenters post an image and link - any tips on tools to use?!)

K x


  1. Oooh those target buttons are really like the ones Oobop put on her red 40's dress, how amazing! Lovely haul. This has been soooo much fun!

  2. Ay, I'm glad you like everything!

  3. So cute. I can't wait to see the shirt. It takes a brave man to wear something so bright!

    1. Yep,and he doesn't normally wear shirts, t shirts are much more his thing!

  4. Sweet. Re:Current husband-do you swap out a new one each week or something?XD

    Re:linking tools-just install disqus

    1. 'Current Husband' is his chosen name, honest.

  5. That patriotic fabric is awesome and hilarious at the same time. It's going to make a fabulous skirt. I'm lusting over that catalogue. Looking forward to your post about it.

    Thanks again for putting together an awesome swap!

  6. I love that fabric ! Its amazing !! I too would be exciting about the rayon binding. We cant seem to find it here in the UK. Please share your experiences with it :-) I also love 'current husband'. Tres amusing ! K xx


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