
Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Get those pins out of your mouth!!

Image from here

Have you ever held pins in your mouth while sewing? I know I have.

But after reading this story about what happened to a woman who inhaled a pin (yes really, not swallowed, inhaled), I think I probably won't bother in the future...

K x


  1. Oh goodness -- Very very disturbing story. This is also a timely warning as I stabbed myself in the gum with a pin last weekend.

  2. OMG - this freaks me out! Just the other day, while holding a pin in my mouth, I wondered about whether that ever happens...

  3. Yup that's disturbing. I'm thinking that if it happened today with better technologies than in 1985, either the bronchoscopy would have better results or they'd be able to do a microsurgery, so that part of the procedure might be better. On the other hand, the odds of a pin being coated with antibiotic resistant bacteria are now much higher, so any infections could be much, much worse. Good warning to keep the pins out of my mouth.

  4. I think this might motivate me to actually make a pin cushion now!!!!

  5. I think I will stick to my annual sewing thru a fingernail. I don't want to be ER folklore!

  6. Oh no - I do this all the time!! I better make some more pin cushions asap!! Thanks for the health warning.

  7. Hmmm... I always put pins in my mouth and have often wondered what happens if I inhale it... guess I know now... guess I won't be doing that anymore! Thanks!

  8. Oh my! that is horrendous! Certainly the shock i need to stop myself putting pins in my mouth! Thanks for sharing! xx

  9. Oh I read this and vowed never to do this again!
    I actually got a fright a few years ago when I had a lingering cold and I coughed suddenly with pins in my mouth - luckily I didn't swallow any, but I nearly did!

  10. Bleurgh - I was sent that link after I had posted on Gather about how I do exactly that! I can't help it though, is now a totally unconscious gesture. I don't even realise I'm doing it... Might have to invest in a wrist pincushion!

  11. I learnt to sew last year at my local technical college. One day someone from one of the other classes was holding two pins in her mouth when someone made her laugh. She swallowed them and was taken to hospital, but was luckily ok in the end. It did remind everyone of the health and safety lessons our teachers had tried drilling into us though. Sew safe everyone!

  12. ACK!! That is SO AWFUL! Yikes!!!!!!

  13. This is probably something we all do. I'll definitely be showing that article to my sewing mad daughter. Thanks for flagging this up.

  14. OMG NO. NONONO. Even though I don't put pins in my mouth, this was horrifying and I will never forget what I just read. Thank you for sharing, I am sending this onto some friends who put pins between their teeth!

  15. That is one of my many nightmares about putting pins in my mouth. I have other variations. The terror always makes me keep well clear :-)

  16. AAAACH! Guilty.... thanks for the warning!

  17. I haven't even clicked on the link, the thought of that is enough to stop me doing it in future I think *shudder* My poor windpipe feels a bit funny now!


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