
Thursday, 10 May 2012

The One Seam Skirt Appears Again

Hi all

Thought I'd share a few pictures of my new skirt, which has already appeared twice in my Me Made May outfits. It's made from my new favourite pattern, Simplicity 3983 from 1952, from which I also made my cord skirt.

Suffice to say, I've already wittered on about how much I love the pattern, and written a full review here, so I will keep it brief. The only changes I made from last time were to make the pockets deeper, add piping to the pocket edge and do a proper waistband with Petersham ribbon. I say 'proper', but I'm not sure I did it as directed as I haven't done one before. Essentially I sewed the ribbon to the waistband piece and then enclosed the ribbon, like a Petersham sandwich. It does make for a waistband that sits perfectly however.

I used an Ikea upholstery fabric, which would be wrong for most dressmaking but seemed to suit the shape of this skirt very well. I tried to engineer the fabric's pattern so that it was concentrated at the bottom with the plainer part at the top. This meant that the piped edge pockets stand out better.

(I don't know why this photo has gone weird, but you can still see the slightly shaped pockets with the piped edging)

Simplicity 3983

I can see more versions of this skirt on the horizon, and am hoping that I have converted a few of you to the joys of the pattern too - judging by the comments on my last post, I think I have!

K x


  1. I just love this version of Simplicity 3983. I would never have imagined that upholstery fabric could work so well for a garment but it does. It's perfect because it's a grey neutral that will go with almost anything, but the pattern adds a lot of interest. The piping was a great detail to add.

  2. Super cute! I love it!

  3. Oh, wow! I really love the print you've used. And I agree, the piping is a really great idea too! It's fantastic :)

  4. That fabric is gorgeous! Will you show us a shot of the petersham ribbon waistband? Having just done one, I'm so curious to see other versions!

    1. My waistband was not made the proper way, using ribbon as a facing - I enclosed the ribbon within the waistband piece, folding it over the ribbon. It does make for a waistband that sits nicely but next time I will try the proper way, instead of botching it!

  5. Yep, am loving this pattern & what a genius fabric choice - looks like a monsoon skirt (or even posher!)

  6. I think the bold graphic print works so well with this simple skirt shape.

  7. I love that fabric and have been thinking about making a skirt from it myself. Now I've seen your version I can see I'll definitely have to make one!


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