
Friday, 11 May 2012

Me Made May Days 6 to 10

Just a quick round up of my outfits for the last 5 days of Me Made May....

Day 6 - Rooibos Dress worn with leggings and a handknit cardigan. I'm looking particularly rough and wrinkled, but let's call it 'casual.'
Day 7 - Denim Crescent skirt, worn for a day of full-on sewing. I'm really not doing this skirt justice, but don't I just look like I mean business here?
Day 8 - Recently finished Fairisle jumper of pain (only joking, I've been loving the compliments this sweater has received)

Day 9 - Sencha blouse from a couple of years ago, worn with an ancient Monsoon skirt and charity shopped cardigan.
Day 10 - Ikea One Seam Skirt. Accessorised with The Suspicious Hippo. He was a charity shop purchase from a few years ago. I'm not really sure what he's supposed to be, possibly a foot rest, but he lives in our Living Room now.

I've been updating more regularly in the Flickr group, and have been enjoying checking out other peoples' outfits. I'm realising that I don't have as many garments for this season as I thought - more tops are a must, and other things that don't look too summery and can easily be layered up for heat. Ah British weather!

K x


  1. I love your outfits! I like that you have sort of a blue and gray color scheme going on that you accent with pops of purple! It's nice that you can sort of mix and match tops and bottoms that way!

  2. Ooh I love the finished Fair Isle sweater! I'm still too scared to try it, I tend to stop knitting for weeks at a time so if I started I feel like I'd have to keep going til its done to minimise confusion! (very easily confused by unfamiliar techniques...) :)

  3. Susicious hippo!!! Lovely outfits and as ginger says nice colour scheme....great seeing your knits too...esp fairisle jumper!

  4. Great week outfits. Just love how proud you look on the knit cardi photos. Gorgeous xx

  5. Tee hee at the hippo! Your outfits look great, and you should be proud of that fair-isle jumper, I can't even imagine knitting that!

  6. I cannot get over how fantastic your Fairisle jumper turned out - I think it might be my favorite thing you've ever made ... but that one seam skirt is definitely a close second :)


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