Hi All
So we all know by now that Google Reader is closing on the 1st July (if not, seriously, where have you been?)
If you are still thinking about using either Bloglovin' or Feedly as a new way to follow blogs I can highly recommend reading this post from House of Pinheiro which links to an easy and instant way to import all your Google Reader blogs into either of those platforms. It takes a matter of a minute or two. Genius! That Rachel is a clever girl. Personally I kept thinking that I should sort out moving my blogs, but never quite got around to it, as time ticked on...
I've also realised that since switching to my dot com address a few months ago there are now 2 blog address for me on Bloglovin' so I am endeavouring to sort that out with this post. My old address automatically redirects to my .com and Bloglovin' can automatically move followers from my old address so don't worry if you are following me through that as you don't need to do anything. In the meantime, my address is www.kestrelmakes.com
Finally, thank you to everyone who follows me, however you choose to do that. It means a lot that my words are not disappearing into the ether and I get so much out of all the interaction I have with you all virtually.
K x
snowstorm: steam-boat
7 hours ago
Thanks for that - for the last year or so, I've been looking at blogs on Blogger and then looking at blogs I follow on Bloglovin'. Now I've merged them and I only have to look at Bloglovin' so thanks :0)