How To: Make Mittens from a Felted Jumper


Ever accidentally shrunk a beloved jumper? Or just want a new way to recycle knitwear? This tutorial I wrote at the Herald explains how to felt a jumper to make a pair of cosy mittens:

I used a cashmere jumper from a charity shop that had already been shrunk, and I think these would make a great Christmas present. You could also make a 'string' to hold the mittens together through the arms of your coat, by cutting strips of leftover jumper too.


K x

p.s - If you'd like to make a bag from your felted sweater, check out Steph's Felted Sweater Tote Tutorial, posted today


  1. I'm doing this as we speak! Mittens keep me from freezing my little tushy off all winter!

    1. Sounds good, mittens are perfect for keeping cosy.

  2. Oooh lovely. I've got just the jumper for this. Thanks for sharing, honey. x x

  3. What a cute idea! We call thee attached string to go through the sleeves "idiot strings" in my family. :-) I'd love to do this for my niece!


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