Watching & Reading

Another week nearly done and I still haven't shared two recently made garments! I promise to get them photographed this weekend so I can get them up here. I've been noticing that the evenings are no good for photography now as it's getting darker - ah, the seasonal curse of the blogger!

On another subject - Have you thought that you'd like a TV show to reflect your love of sewing? If so (or 'sew'), hop over to Miss P's blog and give her your thoughts about what you'd like to see. Miss P has the ears of the TV execs, so this is your chance to put forward what you'd like to be watching!

I also have an invite to share for the launch of a new book by a talented author friend:

Classic Hollywood Style is the perfect reference point for vintage sewing fans so perhaps a good one to add to your Christmas list? You can see a list of the films included on Amazon here. Plus, the launch combines vintage clothing and cocktails, so what's not to like?

Have a good weekend everyone!

K x


  1. In skim reading the blogposts in my Reader, all I caught was, "Miss P has the ears of..." and a pic of Fay Dunnaway. I just HAd to read on and find out whose ears she had! hehehe.

  2. Thanks so much for the mention! The "ammo" is building up in the comments section nicely :)
    That book launch looks soooo cool! I may have to try and find a way to relinquish parenting duties for the day!

  3. oo, this looks great! I'm off to RSVP now! x


Thanks for reading and commenting - I love to hear what you have to say