Test Post

Just wondering why my last 2 posts haven't shown up in my Blogger dashboard or on Google Reader, and when I go to the blog homepage only the most recent post shows up - Blogger you confuse me!!


  1. Your "I'm Joining In" post made it in my reader, but not the blog award post. This one did show up in my reader too. Not sure if this helps. Hope your technical woes will soon be resolved.

  2. Thanks Annabelle - it seem to be an issue that happens intermittently with my blog and I can't understand why nor have I been able to find an answer on the help section, grrrrr!

  3. Hmm... I just saw your "Learn some random things about me" post in my bloglovin feed, but when I clicked it, it takes me to your blog, but instead of a post it says "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist. "

    This post, however, showed up on my bloglovin feed and then successfully took me to the actual post on your site (hence my ability to leave a comment here!).

  4. It seems to be resolved now that Blogger swtiched to the new interface? (for me, at least)


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