Pattern Monday #5 Cold Weather Special

Look at these cheery kids bedecked in wool. Not sure I fancy getting caught in a snowstorm in one of those outfits though...


  1. Utterly amazing!!!

    *imagining ways to get my son to wear one*

  2. OMG, I have visions of myself in the an overall whilst I learnt how to ski (not knitted mind you - my Mum was not that harsh...). Is it me or their heads are massive?

  3. When we were little and travelled via airplane to visit family, my mother mother dressed my brothers and me in matching sweatsuits - very similar to this look, less the hood. I still don't think I've forgiven her (ahem, Caroline!) haha!

  4. Oh Kristen, I would love to see a picture of that! Caroline, I'm sure you could get one knitted for next Winter? :)

  5. Love the little girl in the middle. she obviously loves it ....the others are not so sure!!!

  6. Hilarious! I am still really slow at knitting, but all I can think is that would take me 5 billion years to make and sewing it out of polar fleece would take ten minutes.


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