What are your sewing "Ooooooh!" moments?

Let me explain what I mean by that. You know those moments when you try a new technique, or look at something you've sewn and gasp out loud when you realise how good it looks?

I had one of these moments recently when inserting the invisible zip on my Rooibos dress. I haven't tackled an invisible zip since my sewing class in the beginning of 2010 and have been slightly apprehensive about zips ever since. Now, I'm not sure why. I used this tutorial from Colette Patterns - it was SO EASY and looks great. I don't even have an invisible zip foot for my machine, just a one sided/normal zip foot. It might have been ironing the zip that made the difference, but the finished result is so neat and professional looking.

Leopard print Crepe dress with piped neckline

I was just as excited the first time I used piping, on the neckline of my Crepe dress. Tackling a sweetheart neckline was not the easiest task for first time piping, but the overall result finished the dress so well that I couldn't help but be delighted.

It really is these moments that keep sewing, and learning about sewing, exciting. Sometimes when you've been sweating over a difficult patch, and can't quite see how it's all going to come together, these moments just make the project - I hope to experience many more as my skills develop.

What moments have made you squeal with sewing excitement?

K x


  1. I love this post! One of me recent 'Oooooh' moments was also an invisible zip that I used on my western Colette Ginger...that was a good moment! I'd love to try out piping next, I have a feeling that would make me feel good too...if it worked that is ;o)

    I also love your leopard print fabric...where is it from?

  2. What a nice neckline. Love it!


  3. Finishing the waistband for the first time on the Colette Ginger skirt was an "oooooh" moment for me-- the instructions are a bit counterintuitive, but once I did it, it looked SO professional and I felt like a real champ!

    LOVE your Crepe, btw!

  4. Thanks for your comments ladies! It is very exciting to create something neat and professional looking. There's just something about invisible zips which I really love, to give a great finish to a garment.

    Marie - my fabric is from Mandors in Glasgow. I got it last year, but don't know what brand/name it is I'm afraid.

  5. That is so professional, I'm not surprised you gasped, I did too! x

  6. I know exactly the moment you speak of, and also similarly love the 'Aha!' moment, when you aren't sure how the technique or tutorial is supposed to yield the desired effect, and when it actually magically works, it's AMAZING! I loved teaching sewing class and seeing this. We were making tote bags and I'd have students pinch and sew the corners of the inside-out tote bags to reveal a lovely squared-out bottom! They loved it!

  7. I'm with you- piping first and foremost. But the invisible zip experience was near heaven, but not quite realised as the bottom edge wasn't quite right. And also using my pin tuck foot. That was a " wow" moment!

  8. Invisible zips and piping are definitely popular! I like the sound of the pinktucking too.

    Kristen, I had the same experience the first time I made a bag - it's such a simple process but very satisfying!

  9. hello! just popped over to say hi swap partner! i'll be back again to have a proper look round.x


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