Please take my knitting poll!

Hi All!

I've started a wee poll about knitting on the sidebar. It's to gauge interest for a possible 'thing' I might do on the blog - I'm interested to find out about who reads, and where your interests lie.

Thanks for your input

K x


  1. I polled too! I just wish I was any GOOD at knitting and then I might be inspired to pick up the sticks more often...

  2. I polled too! I mostly sew but have picked up the sticks recently :)

  3. So curious about the "thing" you might do...

  4. I polled too. I'd say I'm learning to knit as opposed to being a knitter.....

  5. I would have entered in the category "I mostly sew", but I do occasionally knit also, but less often than sewing.

  6. Voted :) And very curious about the "the thing", lol!

  7. oooh I love to maintain an air of mystery! :)

  8. Ooh, intriguing! I'm going for "I knit and sew" although I crochet really rather than knit, but I do want to learn and I am interested in all things woolly!


Thanks for reading and commenting - I love to hear what you have to say