Grrrrrr Blogger!

 Image from here

I really don't understand Blogger sometimes! How come the post I posted yesterday doesn't show up on Google Reader, even when I copied and pasted the whole thing again today and re-posted? It makes no sense!

K x


  1. Haha, that makes sense as to why its popped up in my Bloglovin 3 times! Maybe it's google reader, not blogger?

  2. How odd - but I'm glad someone knew I had written it! :) It didn't appear on the bit on my Blogger Dashboard either, as when it happened before I started following my own blog so I could check that it was appearing properly!

  3. Wordpress used to confuse me greatly a while back when it decided to mess up the date, so all posts I thought were posted actually weren´t because they were dated way back in the past or way ahead in the future ...

  4. How odd, but technology is that way to me often - very mysterious and infuriating. Hope you figure it out soon. Great photo, by the way.

  5. ugh Blogger drives me nuts sometime. But on a happy note I'm loving the new blog design!


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