
About Me

Hello, I'm Kerry!

Thanks for visiting my blog. This has been my small corner of the internet since June 2010, when I started a blog after a bit of thought and a glass of wine.

I have been sewing since January 2010, when I took a beginners' sewing class at a local college and have been sewing avidly ever since. Although I began with a love of 1950s pattern and their enticing illustrations of elegant ladies, I have more recently settled on the 1970s as a favourite era. No one is more surprised than me about this. I have learned so much from sewing blogs but still have plenty to learn and hope to one day crack the perfect fit.

I have been knitting avidly since about 2006 when I began knitting again after learning at Primary School. Although I love the look of vintage knitting patterns I prefer to knit modern patterns. I can crochet a bit but haven't devoted enough time to it, maybe one day soon I will. I have made one quilt and would like to make more, not least as a way to tame my ever-increasing selection of scrap material.

I live in Glasgow, Scotland and am married with a daughter. I have 2 cats, who love to interfere with my craft projects.