
Thursday, 15 October 2015

Talking about Sewing on the Radio

A few weeks ago I was invited to Remnant Kings for the launch of their new Autumn/Winter collection and new sewing room in their Argyle Street store. I had a lovely time checking out their fabrics and eating sewing themed cupcakes. I also made a zipped pouch using some of their leatherette fabric - you can see some of their range here although they also have a cool rose-printed one in store which doesn't seem to be online.

However, the other thing that happened was that I was interviewed by a journalist for the Janice Forsyth show on BBC Scotland. The episode was broadcast yesterday, and you can listen to it though this link; 

If you skip to 1 hour and 16 minutes through, you can hear the section that includes me and Hazel of Remnant Kings (and Disaster in a Dress blog). I think it should be online for a couple of weeks.

If you do listen, let me know what you think!

K x


  1. Look at those cute cupcakes!

  2. Goodness, they're selling the shit out of their wool coatings! And I'm thrilled to hear someone roll the 'r' in the word 'patten'. You sounded great and I'm looking forward to see your tights.

    1. And obviously I meant 'pattern' not 'patten'. Difficult to roll a non-existent 'r'

    2. She has an amazing way of saying 'pattern', kind of like 'patt-ren'. I can't remember the name of that lady doing the coat demo but she was lovely

  3. I haven't listened yet, but Paul came home yesterday and said that he'd been listening and did I know Hazel and Kerry?! I'll have a listen when I get a chance. Well done you!

    1. Thanks Helen, what an observant husband too, you have him well trained!

  4. How fab! Looking forward to seeing your tights :)

    1. I've been collecting some fabric for them :-)

  5. The link works in the USA. Listening to it right now.

    1. Oh great, I will change the post to reflect that. Thanks pattyc

  6. That's great and lovely to put a voice to the face. Good luck with your tights. I had a look at the RK website. Lots of lovely tartans. Xx

  7. Hello! I just listened there, thanks for the link. It's so nice to hear about the resurgence of sewing on a general radio show, hopefully it will encourage more people to give it a go too. Lovely to hear you & Hazel, and the other lady from Remnant Kings, all speaking so passionately as well.

  8. Ooh that sounds like a fun event! I haven't been to Remnant Kings in ages, my fabric shopping has been put on the backburner in favour of wool buying... how cool that you got to talk on the radio too!

    1. Ah, 'tis the season for wool buying right now.

  9. That was really fun! I had to listen very closely to understand the delightful accents :-)

    1. Yes, it takes a while to get your ear used to the accents. Glad you enjoyed listening


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