Work in Progress Wednesday

Last week I cast on for the Lush cardigan by Tin Can Knits using wool bought from a charity shop. I picked the pattern using the Ravelry pattern browser, and looking through the finished versions I saw the cardigan made for Roobeedoo, which I had admired when she blogged about it. You start by knitting the long lace section, and it is really enjoyable to knit. I just finished and blocked that, and picked up stitches along the top edge to knit the collar. Lace knitting can be a bit daunting, but there are only 23 stitches in the repeat, so you can't go too far wrong.
I've never knitted with this kind of twisty colour yarn before but it comes out with a lovely, mottled effect which is more interesting than a flat colour but not too wild. It's definitely a colour I would have picked even if it hadn't been in a charity shop for cheap, so it's worked out to be a good purchase.

It is pure wool but claims to be 'moth resistant' - I'm not sure how. Treatment with some kind of chemical perhaps?

K x


  1. I remember that wool! You're right, it is a lovely shade of turquoise and the mottled effect suits the lace pattern too. Win, win situation I reckon! Happy knitting :-D

  2. I knit that pattern last year and I love it, wear it all the time! I love the color of your yarn choice. I made mine have long sleeves and had to sew ribbon around the inside of the collar so it didn't sag down off my shoulders.

    1. Thanks for the ribbon tip and I want to have long sleeves too, I think. I found the sizing quite daunting and spent ages looking at Ravelry trying to work out what everyone else had done about the size. I know it is supposed to fit neatly but some of the finished ones I saw looked too tight for my tastes.

  3. Looks lovely so far, and I'm intrigued to see how the lace and picked up stitches transform into a garment.

  4. Ooh that knits up nicely, and now you know it'll be forever safe from pesky moths! :)

  5. That colour is delish

  6. That is a lovely colour! I am sure Christine would be happy to compare notes with another Glasgow knitter if you get in touch!

  7. What glorious yarn! I love the tone on tone colour.

  8. Lovely colour! I love the way it's knitting up.

  9. Gorgeous! I love that the yarn is in accordance with a particular British Standard. :)


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