Friday Finds (The Charity Shop Gods are Smiling)

I really have been the very model of restraint recently. Although I visit charity shops all the time I so rarely make purchases. I am very aware that we have little room for any more stuff so any purchases I do make are well considered.

My first find is something I've been wanting for ages:

A convex mirror. 

I love these mirrors and you'd think they'd be the kind of thing to turn up frequently in charity shops but this is first one I've seen. I'd have preferred a plainer surround (or no surround) but it's in great condition so I couldn't turn it down for £3.75. And yeah, we don't have much spare wall space to hang it but it does sit nicely over the radiator, which is a bad place to hang pictures or any precious prints, due to the effects of the heat.
Secondly, a painted bracelet for 50p. I have a couple of these already and they look really pretty together.

 (Enjoy this unedited picture, complete with cat's bum and lunch-stained top. I could pretend the food was due to the baby, but in truth it's all me)

Lastly - arguably the most dull but really the most exciting - a pair of jeans. These are exactly my size and the same style as my most favourite pair of jeans, bought for £8 in the Gap sale 8 (!) years ago. The original jeans are now absolutely on their last legs (boom boom) with holey knees that I have been trying and failing to mend. I'm not sure that Gap even make this style any more plus ethically, I think Gap are pretty iffy so I'd rather not shop there.

I saw these jeans yesterday but wasn't sure if they were my size (it's confusing how they have the US sizes on and I can never remember how they translate) and I didn't have any change. Happily they were still there when I returned to the charity shop this afternoon and not only are they perfect, identical in style to the old jeans and in great (I suspect new) condition - they were £2.

Nothing like some successful charity shopping to brighten your day. Have you made any good finds recently?

K x

p.s This post is dedicated to Baby Kestrel who is taking a well timed nap to allow me to blog. Well done that baby.


  1. I adore thrift store shopping! Only one of my friends can go with me, the rest don't have the patience. My favorite recent find was at a Salvation Army store that is huge and right by the San Francisco airport. I got in early in the day for my flight and thought I'd swing by before driving home :-). Brand new Topshop coat for $6 in my size. One sleeve seam was ripped and I mended that in 15 minutes. The green dry cleaning cost $20 but still a deal.

    I adore the mirror! My stores don't have super stuff like that...sigh. Yay baby Kestral for napping!

    1. That coat sounds like a great deal - the benefits you get for having a bit of sewing knowledge and being bothered to dry clean!

  2. What luck! The mirror is fab, the bangle is gorgeous and the jeans are perfect! x

  3. Thrifting is amazing, I especially love browsing for secondhand books... Some of my best finds include a large leather satchel, medical textbooks and loads of novels and even a 22 yard piece of fabric...

    1. Wow, that is a LOT of fabric! I'd love to find a great leather bag like you but they're really thin on the ground.

  4. OMG - those jeans are PERFECT. Can't believe you found them at that price.

  5. Hoorah for baby naps so that we can stay in touch! it am so with you on the charity shop front. I have become so thrifty that I will not buy something that is not perfect for my needs! I love all your purchases, I have to confess I get all my jeans from charity shops (until or if I can make them) and often find virtually new pairs. I think it is because they are so hard to get a good fit that people give them away in despair lol. Yours look great and mirror and bangle are beautiful too. Here's to more happy naps ;)

    1. I never really bother looking at the jeans because as you say, the fit is so hard to get right. I'm definitely going to do it from now on though.

  6. Brilliant! I never seem to find any good jeans when charity shop shopping, so I'm jealous! I do love a good charity shop.

    1. It really was good luck but I'll definitely be keeping my eyes peeled in future.

  7. I love those mirrors - what a find. And perfect fitting jeans without having to shop for hours - amazing! I just found Janet Ahlbergs 'Funny Bones' book last week for £1.25 which I used to love when I was wee & which I've already started reading to the wee one even though he's far too young to understand!

    1. Aw, it's nice rediscovering your old favourite books. They're definitely a great charity shop buy too, so many kids books are in great condition too.

  8. So where would you recommend to get vintage style things such as old crates and things? I don't even know where to start looking o.O

    1. Hmm, well for that kind of thing which is between charity shops and proper antiques I'd recommend the monthly antique and collectable fair at Kelvin Hall (see the Scotfairs website) or some of the antique places in the west end. There are some reasonably priced antiques places in the new centre off Byres Road (up near the Queen Margaret Drive end) or also I did actually see some antiques wooden boxes and crates yesterday at a place on Otago St which is beside the 'Retro' clothes shop at the Gt Western Rd end. Didn't look at prices though. There's also the Glasgow City Antiques Centre on Lancefield St in Finnieston. Or also the Barras of course as there are a few similar places there. Hope that helps!

  9. Great finds! I love the mirror, and how lucky, finding the jeans!

    1. I know, I'm still over the moon about them :)

  10. great finds! and I can't belive how cheap the charity shops are near you! In edinburgh you'd be looking at at least £6-8 for a pair of gap jeans. it's ridiculous, but I don't even complain any more.

    1. This is a particularly cheap one (it's my fave!) - they also had a pair of Ted Baker jeans for £3 but unsurprisingly they were gone when I went back!

  11. Fantastic find, lady! Booyah!

  12. Love that mirror. Most of my thrifting finds around here (Chicago) are kiddo books and toys. It's awesome to find something special for such a good buy! And yay for sleeping babies. Mine still naps at 2.5 years and I love it (although too often I nap too, heehee).

    1. It's great to find kids stuff as often you can find things in great condition as they grow out of things so fast, whether it's toys or clothes, and they often get given too many things to use

  13. I found an amazing 50s style summer dress yesterday for £1.50! Its a bit small but I can adjust it x

  14. What a lovely, varied and restrained selection of charity shop goodies! I love charity shopping, and yesterday picked up a pair of M&S chocolate brown cords for a pound, they were brand new. I'm wearing a pair of MOTO jeans at the moment (which I think are Topshop) which were also a pound and I love the fit so will hunt for more:)


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