C'mon C'mon, Let's Get Together

 Busy Sewing Bloggers at the September 2012 Bath Meet up

I admit that I get a bit jealous when I read about all the blogger meet ups that happen down south. Having been fortunate to attend a few blogger meet ups (in Edinburgh, New York and Bath) I know that they are really fun, for what is better than to meet in real life people with whom you get on so well virtually?

I know there are a few Scottish bloggers who follow my blog or whose blogs I follow - I've even met some of you before! So who is up for a meet up in Glasgow? Not that you have to be based in Scotland to attend (or even a blogger, I should point out), obviously, perhaps you fancy a trip up north?

I was thinking about early 2014, Saturday 1st February to be exact. I thought it would be nice to have something to look forward to after the busy-ness of Christmas, plus it allows us to get a post-Christmas pay day under our belts.

I propose we go for afternoon tea perhaps with some fabric/wool shopping beforehand. Maybe we could have a fabric/yarn/patterns swap?  I'm open to ideas since I really have no idea how many people might be up for meeting, but most of all the chance to meet some like-minded people is what it's all about. If you've never met someone off the internet before, I promise you that this is the most pleasant and probably least risky way to do so.

If you are interested in meeting up please comment below (making sure that your email address is linked to your profile somehow) or email me directly (see contact links on the right) and I will be in touch.

So what do you reckon?

K x


  1. Oh man I would love an excuse to travel up further North and hang out but sadly that's the night of my boyfriend's 30th Birthday party. Hope it's a success!!

    1. Thanks Amy, what a shame but I'm sure I'll get to meet you at some point!

  2. Oh man I would love an excuse to travel up further North and hang out but sadly that's the night of my boyfriend's 30th Birthday party. Hope it's a success!!

  3. I'd love to do this (and, handily, live in Glasgow!). I'll pop you an email just now as well :)

  4. Yes please! Count me in! I've never been to one and am always envious of those I read about! Email is grosgraingreen@hotmail.co.uk. Thanks! X

  5. Woohoo! Count me in! I just need to check if that weekend will work!

  6. Ohh I wish I could... We need another half way the country again

  7. Is it just for young 'uns or could a vintage Greenock gal like me come along?
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

    1. You'd be very welcome Liz, I really enjoy your blog and would love to meet you!

  8. What a good idea! I'd like to come too.

  9. I popped over through Nessa (2 posts above). I live in Glasgow, and would love to meet other stitchers/knitters :o)

    1. Hi Katy, you'd be very welcome, I'll be in touch.

  10. What a fab idea, I'd love to come too!

  11. I'd love to travel up! I just have to see if my brother would put me up! beebeesvintagedress@hotmail.co.uk

    1. Brilliant, quite a distance for you, hope your helpful brother can put you up!

  12. Yay love it, count me in! :)


  13. Count me in as a potential. Would love to come but i need to check the maths first

  14. Count me in as a potential. Would love to come but i need to check the maths first

    1. Brilliant, will keep you in the loop when I send out emails shortly.

  15. I'd love to but I'm not sure I can make it, could you keep me updated with plans and I can decide nearer the time?


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