
Thursday, 16 May 2013

Round Up #2: 5 Outfits from Me Made May Week 2

There's a kitchen theme to my outfit shots this week. We got a new kitchen fitted after several years of thinking about it, we finally took the plunge and did it. As for the outfits, I managed 5 with me-made elements this week.

 Day 9: Maternity Restyled Denim skirt worn with an old favourite top from Zara (bought about 7 years ago)

Day 10: Juniper Dress, worn while pretending to cook. I got such lovely comments on the last photo of me in this dress that I wore it again as soon as it was washed.

 Day 11: Jungle April Renfrew with denim skirt and Converse. I'm really enjoying the Converse with denim skirt look these days.

 Day 12: Sail Boat Wiksten Tova and jeans, worn for a trip to the climbing wall. No climbing for me, but I watched our 5 year old niece climb to the top, on her very first time wall climbing.

Day 14: Beam me up Snitmonster dress - and check out our newly painted wall! I love this colour and it's so cheerful compared to our gloomy old kitchen. I still get a surprise when I go into the kitchen as I'm not quite used to it yet.

(Dot making a special guest appearance on top of the fridge)

Here's a before and after shot of the kitchen, for those of you interested in being nosey (like I always am). Everything feels a lot cleaner (we now have a built in oven and hob) and brighter. Apart from the wall, there is a great novelty factor in being able to see your dinner cooking through the glass door of the oven - our last one didn't even have a light never mind a glass door so now it looks like your baked potatoes are on television :)

K x


  1. You look radiant in all of these. The kitchen looks fab-u-lous too!

  2. You look stunning in all your creations! Love Dot's hiding place! x

  3. I love your new kitchen (Dot included) - what a difference! And you, as always, look blooming :) x

  4. Kitchen (and your good self of course) look fabulous!!

  5. beautiful colour and great new kitchen! and fab outfits too of course - you look really good!

  6. I love your new kitchen!!! It's so pretty and bright and cheerful, and that wall color is amazing!! Love the little peek of Dot, I laughed when I noticed her haha.

    You're looking fabulous as well, ma'am!

  7. Oh you lucky woman! I bet you don't kick the washing machine anymore either (mine sticks out like yours used to and I am forever stubbing my toe, expecting it to line up with everything else!).
    That wall is an amazing xolour.
    But more to the point... your Wiksten Tova is so fresh and summery. Looking good!

    1. It's funny you mention that because there was no reason for it to be sitting out like that. The kitchen fitter pushed it back in and even cleaned the front of it for us, which was extra nice!

  8. Oh I love the colour of your kitchen wall! And you look gorgeous in your photos too!

  9. Love your outfits and your kitchen looks fab, colour is gorgeous! We had ours done last November and the novelty still hasn't worn off!

  10. Congratulations on your new kitchen! I really love the teal wall! You look terrific in all your me mades :)

  11. The outfits are great & I love your new kitchen! I actually have a similar colored wall behind my stove too. Were you perhaps inspired by the pot you're pretending to cook with?

    1. Yes definitely! I love that teal/turquoise colour.

  12. The kitchen, and the outfits, are lovely! i love the colour of the wall!

    We had a similar oven upgrade when we moved. I discovered eventually that in order to maintain the "baked potato on TV" look, you need to clean that little window fairly regularly. Particularly if you have a fondness for roasting chickens! :(

    On the plus side, oven cleaning chemicals are not ideal during pregnancy, so you can get your hubby to do that! :)

  13. Very nice outfits! And love the kitchen too. We have a similar feature wall, though our kitchen isn't as fancy. :)
    The Wiksten Tova looks so casual and comfy!

  14. Love the kitchen upgrade-- how nice! And your outfits are cute as can be!

  15. Your outfits are all lovely, and you are looking well :) great kitchen too, and I love Dot on top of the fridge, adorable!

  16. You've painted your wall in my favorite colour
    :-) it like you is looking great.


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