
Sunday, 21 April 2013

Announcing! The Spring Sewing Swap


Who doesn't love to receive a package of sewing items in the mail? And how fun is it to shop for someone who loves sewing as much as you do?

If you agree, then you should join the Spring Sewing Swap.

Last year I hosted the Summer Sewing Swap, in which 42 bloggers from across the world took part. You can find out more about that here.

What's this swap all about then?
  • You are allocated a swap partner and put together a package of sewing-related items to send to them
  • You spend up to a maximum of £15 (or local equivalent - that's US$22.96 at current rates  according to purchasing sewing-related items to send to your partner. These can be new/vintage/thrifted, whatever.
  • The items may include fabric, patterns (paper or pdf), trims, buttons or similar but use your imagination to  choose what you think your partner might like. You should look at their blog to see what kind of things they like to make so you can choose something really appropriate. Although the swap is centred around sewing, you can include other crafty items if your partner is into different crafts too.
  • As a guideline, you should send a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 items (you don't have to count buttons or other notions individually though, just use your initiative here!)
What do I have to do to take part?
  •  You need to be an active blogger to take part, and should have updated your blog in the last month and be interested in sewing (of course!). Your blog or Blogger profile must also include an email address in case I need to check details with you before partners are assigned and so your partner can contact you easily. Please do check this, it's surprising how many people don't have email addresses available on their blogs.
  • Leave a comment below to say if you are interested in taking part and I will match you up with a swap partner and post the details of your partner here - so you will need to keep an eye on the blog for updates.
Why do I have to have a blog to take part?
  • It means your swap partner can stalk your blog to see what kind of things you like and also because you're less likely to flake out and not fully participate.
I'm not sure that I sew enough to be a 'sewing blogger'. Can I still take part?
  •  Sewing fans of all backgrounds and abilities are welcome. If you are new to sewing, you can contact your partner to tell them this and perhaps they can pick some things perfect for a newbie. Or if you need guidance selecting gifts for an avid seamstress, just email them for some hints on what they would like. This swap doesn't have to be conducted with the minimum of communication, but I will try and match you with someone who has some level of similarity to you.
What about postage costs?
  • Postage costs are not included in the £15 maximum spend. In your comment, please specify if you would like a partner who lives on the same continent as you to keep postage costs down or if you are happy to post worldwide. 
  • [For UK-based bloggers, you might have noticed that Royal Mail have recently changed the pricing structure for parcels sent within the UK to be categorised into small and medium size so there might not be a huge difference between sending things within the UK or to the US for example].
How much time have I got for this?
  •   I'll keep sign up open until Wednesday 1st May at 5pm GMT to allow everyone time to sign up and then I will spend around a week matching partners, then you have 5 weeks to choose and send items - i.e. 5 weeks from that date until your partner receives their package.
Can I shop from my stash?
  •   Yes, if you have items that you think your swap partner will like, this swap is all about sending  thoughtful sewing-related items. Just keep in mind the guidelines on spend and number of items.
What if I took part before?
  •  I will make sure that you are matched up with someone different from last time
When the partners are announced what do I need to do?
  • Contact them to say hello and find out their address. If you want some help picking what to send, you can email to ask what kind of things they like, or sizes for patterns etc. I'll go over the guidelines again when swap partners are posted.
I'm not sure if this is for me....
  •  Have a look at this post where people posted a link to what they got. There were some seriously lovely packages of sewing-related goodies!
  • It's a nice way to find out about some new-to-you blogs and make virtual connections with sewing buddies. Two of last year's participants, Handmade Jane and Cindy of Cation Designs even met up in person when Cindy was on holiday in the UK.
 OK, I'm in! Remind me what I do next....
  • Comment below by Wednesday 1st May at 5pm GMT to sign up, remembering that you must be an active blogger and have an email address accessible through your Blogger profile or blog. 
  • Include in your comment if you would prefer your swap partner to be from the same continent/country, or from anywhere in the world.
If you have any questions you can comment below or email me on

Whew! That was a LOT of information.

So, who's in then?

K x


  1. I'm so keen for this!

    I'm in Australia, happy to post worldwide.

  2. Last year was so much fun! Im in- but can I have a US based partner this time?

  3. I would love to be apart of a swap. I'm Charlotte from ,email
    many thanks for hosting. x x x

  4. I'd love to participate Kerry, I enjoyed it so much last year! Thanks so much for hosting it. Oh yes, I'm happy to post anywhere too. X

  5. This sounds fun! I'd like to join in if that's OK. I've never done this sort of thing before, so can I dip my toes in the water with a US partner? I'll work on getting up a button on my blog with an email address, but for now just go with sew rusty at ymail dot com.

    Thanks for hosting this!

  6. I'd love to play! Happy to post worldwide.

  7. Ooo yes, I missed this last year but I'd love to participate this round!

    Emai: sewwrongblog (at) gmail (dot) com

  8. I'd love to take part please Kerry! I'm happy to post anywhere (please be kind Royal Mail!)

  9. I LOVE MAIL!!! Yes please!! And am happy to post anywhere!

  10. I would love to take part, I will post anywhere!


  11. Count me in! And I'm happy to post anywhere!

  12. What a great idea. Count me in and I'm happy to post anywhere.

  13. Ooh how fun, please count me in! I'm happy to post anywhere :)

  14. Yeah - count me in - i've never taken part in a swap before and would love to. so excitied :)

  15. I would love to participate! I'm still recovering from the shock of the cost of my last international postage, so can I ask to have a US partner for this swap? Thanks so much!

  16. Go on then I'm in, this involved two of my favorite things - shoping for sewing stuff and getting mail :)

    1. Hi Rachel-Lou, afraid I can't access your Blogger profile so am unable to get your blog or email details. If you get back to me within 24 hours I can still include you but otherwise I'll have to leave you out of the swap.

  17. I'm in! I love a sewing swap. :)
    (I'll ship anywhere)

  18. How exciting! I'm in the UK and do all sorts of crafts, and have started sewing. I will post anywhere.
    Thanks for organising!

  19. Count me in!! I enjoyed last year's swap (can it really have been a year since the last swap??) happy to ship anywhere!!

  20. I would love to join in the swap.. How fun that will be.. thank you so much.. I think my email address is on my blog, But I will go and check to be sure. Thank you for hosting this and I look forward to meeting my new partner.

  21. I would love to be a part of this! How fun! I would also love a US partner because, like thequirkypeach said, the US postal service is not so kind on international shipping...

  22. Ooh would love to take part please Kerry! Happy to post worldwide! :) x

  23. Hello - I'd love to join in please, and would be happy to post anywhere ...

  24. Ooh I'd love to join in and would be happy to post worldwide.
    Not sure if my email is on my blog - asbeauchamp (at) gmail (dot) com

    Amanda x

  25. i'm in! i think i found your blog as a result of this swap last year, so i didn't participate. happy to post anywhere!

  26. Yes please, count me in! I will post anywhere :-)

  27. I'd love to take part please, and I'm happy to post anywhere. I think my email is on my blog (and I won your giveaway so you may still have it from then) but just in case it's amazingtaracat(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk

  28. I missed last year's swap - but count me in this time. Happy to post worldwide from the UK. :)

  29. I am in! I would like to swap within the US. OOH this is exciting!

  30. Sounds like fun - count me in! I recently took part in a knitting related swap and it was fabulous fun! I am in Canada but happy to mail elsewhere! In fact elsewhere is probably cheaper for me (thanks Canada Post!)

  31. Count me in! Loved last years swap and got to know a very lovely lady, so I definitely want to take part this year again. Happy to swap worldwide. Wow, excited who'll be my match this round.

  32. This sounds like so much fun!! I'll post to anywhere. Count me in!!

  33. I'm in! Never done a thing like this before. UK-based, but I'll post to anywhere. My blog is here:

  34. I would love to play! I live in Canada but I will post anywhere.

  35. I would love to participate this year! I am in the US but happy to post anywhere. And would really love to get a package from far, far away! :)

  36. Sounds like fun! Count me in :) I'm happy to post things anywhere.

  37. I'd love to be part of this but not sure I qualify. I haven't blogged since I was put out of action with a torn muscle in my leg a couple of months ago. If you think this is ok, I'm happy to post anywhere.

    1. Hi Shelly

      That's fine as you've let me know

      K x

  38. I would love to take part in this - I am overseas until 26 May but should still have time to put together something and send it away. How fun!

    1. forgot to tell you I live in Australia but will post wherever!

  39. Oooh, I'd love to take part, please! (I missed out last time - found out about it too late and I've been kicking myself about that ever since!)

    I'm in New Zealand, happy to send anywhere. :-)

    My blog is here:
    Electronic type mail can be sent to macska at gmail dot com


  40. Hi, yes I'd love to take part! I always get a bit stressed about these things (will I chose something that my recipient likes?), but I really enjoyed Rachel's craft swap in the end, so yes, count me in!

  41. Please sign me up too! Last years looked so fun, I'll post anywhere. I blog at

  42. Oh yes please!!!! I am in :D
    I heard about this last time but was too late to join in. I am so excited to be a part of it this time. I live in the UK and would be happy to post it anywhere!
    I blog over at

    Thanks, Hannah xxx

  43. Hi there, I'm so in! The only stipulation I have is that I have sent something to New Zealand over 2 months ago, and it STILL hasn't made it! So, it may, indeed be lost, and was quite expensive to send. And, I've heard of this happening to others from my neck of the woods. So, requesting somebody from anywhere but not Australia or New Zealand. LOVE it there, lol, but just not going to chance it again, would be disappointing to me and to the recipient. Thanks for hosting this!!

    1. Probably should have mentioned that I am currently residing in Canada. May move to Spain in the fall/winter.

  44. Hi! :) This sounds like a lot of fun! I'd love to join in as well! I'd prefer to send within Canada/US if possible please. I am an active blogger and have held swaps on my blog as well, so definitely won't flake out. (Which is a HUGE pet peeve of mine.. lol!) My email/blog should all be accessible through my link... Thanks for hosting!!

  45. Totally excited for this Kerry, loved joining in last year :) I'm more than happy to send international and I'm sure my email is now on my blogger profile somewhere x

  46. I am very happy to participate and would love to swap with anyone anywhere in the world! Thank you and I can't wait!

  47. I'd love to sign up! U.S. only please! Thanks so much!

  48. Oh I'd love to take part again but I'm on holidays at the time when the packages are supposed to ship :(

  49. Oh I told myself I wasn't going to do any more swaps for a bit but I cannot resist! Sign me up! I would be happy to post anywhere.

  50. I enjoyed it last year so include me again this time around. I'll mail anywhere!

  51. Oooh, this sounds awesome! I don't put much of my sewing on my blog but I love it and study fashion, so I'd love to join in!

    All my info is on my contact me page if you need my email!

    Fliss @ The Offbeat Girl
    The Offbeat Girl

  52. I'd like to be involved. I even posted on my blog so I could! Happy to post anywhere x

  53. I'd like to take part please, I'll post anywhere! Thank you!

  54. I'd love to take part in the fun! I'm a SWAP newbie :) I'll post anywhere.
    Thanks!! at

  55. I live in Switzerland and would love to participate - naturally am happy to post anywhere. I'm a blog and swap newbie and am excited about taking part.

    jane (at) nomoretwist (dot) com

  56. Squeaking in under the deadline - I'd love to take part! I'd prefer not to post to Australia/New Zealand after some bad experiences (parcels going missing etc), sorry! Anywhere else is good though.

  57. Hello I would love to take part in the swap too! I don't think my email is on my blog it is I'm from the UK but will ship anywhere.

  58. I just started blogging but would like to take part, would this still work out? I've got several posts lined up for the next few weeks & am taking part in me made may so that might help. I'm in the US but could post anywhere.

    1. Hi Erin

      What are your blog and email addresses? I can't see them on your profile


    2. Whoops! Here they are.



  59. I would love to take part. Doing this on my iPhone so my details are below:

    Sew Debbie
    Debbie- sewdebbie.

  60. Drat! I think I'm too late...ah, well. Can't wait to watch the process from all of you!


  61. HI, just wanted to tell you, I have never received a swapping partner? If I am too late, that is fine.. I just thought about it, and realized I never received one. My email address is
    Have a great day.Judy

  62. Darn! I wish I would have seen this earlier! Oh well, hopefully you will do it again next year!?


Thanks for reading and commenting - I love to hear what you have to say