
Sunday, 27 January 2013

STOP! Appreciate Your Skills!

Recently I was sitting knitting one evening and enjoying that I could easily knit without looking at what I was doing - I could actually sit and knit in the dark while watching a film. (I should say I can't do this with every project, but knitting stocking stitch in the round with aran-weight wool is no problem.)

It made me think about when I started knitting again 6 years ago, after learning in Primary School. My tension was so tight that I had to push the needles off the stitches with my fingers! I was nearly driven to tears trying to teach myself to do circular knitting.

Fast forward a few years and many knitting projects later, I now am a confident knitter who can tackle most projects. Of course I still have things to learn and I still make mistakes but it's really nice to remember how far I've come with my skills.

Like me, I'm sure that many of you are avid blog readers and are quick to make appreciative comments on the skills of others - that crocheted blanket, tailored jacket or amazingly organised sewing space. But it's nice to reflect on the development of your own skills too. If you have your own blog, it's interesting to look back at early posts to see things you used to struggle with that are now second nature. Or even looking at garments you've made and spotting the things you now know how to fix. It took me so long to get my head around understitching or ease stitch and I've only just hit on my preferred method of setting in a sleeve.

So, take some time to appreciate the skills you have learned and feel proud of yourself.

K x


  1. Here here! Something I'm guilty of in most areas of my life is concentrating on what I've yet to learn rather than how much I have learnt already. So I'll second that notion! (excuse the pun!)

  2. Good point! My mum can do that 'watching tv while knitting' thing, which I'm ok at but still haven't mastered... I've been knitting for about 20 years but hardly developed much in the past few years so I've been trying more to make something slightly outside my comfort zone, it's a skill I really want to master ! :)

    1. I'm sure you're more accomplished than you're giving yourself credit for - I loved that jumper you made!

  3. You're so right! I do think we tend to take our own skills for granted and often put them down. If you look at them from a different angle you can see how much you do know and how skilled you really are. xxxx

  4. It's so right..most of us find its so hard to stop and think how hard we have grown...

  5. This is a great reminder. There are moments, while making something, when I remember how hard a particular skill or task used to be relative to how easy it is now. I should also remember to give my self a little pat on the back ;o)

    1. Definitely, very easy to get caught up with what you still want to learn

  6. Hear hear! This is one of my favourite things about making my own clothes - every wear is like a pat on the back. It's absolute feelgood!

  7. You can knit while watching stuff! Impressive! I hope I get to that level one day... you're a knitting ace!

  8. So true! And hats off to you for dark knitting- that is some serious mad skills!

  9. I've never thought about it that way, so thanks for the post. Its certainly made me think about what I can do rather than what I can't.

  10. Great post! I tend to be pretty critical of what I make, so it's great to take a moment and think about what I've learned and how much easier some things are for me these days.

  11. I've still to learn cabling (something I want to get to grips with this year) but yeah, I guess I'm an alright advanced beginner... never thought of that!

  12. Great post and so true, we are always first to criticise, but not everyone can make their own clothes, we should be more proud, more often.

  13. I can knit but only if I watch every stitch! I am happy that I can knit and sew and your post has made me aware that this is a good thing and I should be proud of it.

  14. Funnily enough, I was just thinking the same thing yesterday - I still class myself as a "basic knitter", but realised that I'd converted the latest sweater to knit in the round from the knitted flat pattern (mainly because I hate purling!) and that I was knitting it in the car on a night time journey. I must stress that I wasn't driving, though!

  15. What a lovely post! I must admit I don't spend enough time honing my skills and tend to go back to the same things over and over (although they are better now than they were!). You hit the nail on the head with the word 'confident' though, it's all about having the confidence to try new things and, maybe, make mistakes.

  16. Such a timely reminder!

    Also worth remembering something that you think is simple, a more experienced knitter may not even know about.

    That's why I love this community. I'm always learning new things.

    Last night I knit a scarf on my arm!


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