
Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Pattern Stash Number Crunching

How many patterns have you got stashed away?

How many of those have you actually used?

How many will you ever, realistically, sew?

Last week I tidied and re-organised my pattern stash. It now lives in 3 boxes and is divided into 3 categories: Dresses, Separates and 'Other' (nightwear, childrens, mens, household, coats and 'sets' ie. patterns with jackets, tops, trousers, skirts etc together).

Black box contains dress patterns, 'Other' on the left and Separates on the right

While tidying I counted the number of patterns I had and the number I had actually used. Here's how it worked out:

                      Have           Used
Dresses =      56               10
Separates =   31               12
Other =         37               3

Total =          124              25

So this means that :
  • I have only sewn 20% of my stash
  • Dresses form 45 % of my stash
  • I have only sewn 18% of my dress patterns but I have sewn 39% of my separates patterns

The conclusions?
  • I have a lot of dress patterns that I've never used
  • I make pretty good use of my separates
  • I really don't need any more patterns, surely most types of garments are well covered by my selection?
  • Don't buy any more dress patterns for f***'s sake. Or at the very least make a few that I already have first.
 Box full of dress patterns

Of course this only takes into account paper patterns - I also have a few patterns as pdfs plus patterns in books like the Colette Sewing Handbook and Built by Wendy Dresses. It also doesn't account for making patterns more than once, as I have done with a handful of patterns. Still, it gives a pretty good idea of how my pattern stash stands.

My stash definitely reflects that like many seamstresses, I began my sewing by making dresses that didn't always fit the lifestyle I actually have. I do wear dresses but definitely have a need for separates, as the stats prove.

I don't think there's anything wrong with having stash, or with collecting patterns. I know a lot of people just love to look at their patterns or use them for inspiration. But for me, this was a good exercise in making me think about what I have and what I need. It seems silly for me to spend more money on patterns that are similar to ones I already own. Plus I have several books on making your own patterns - all unused!

What about you? How do your numbers stack up? I'd love to know if my stats are the same as anyone else's. I was going to do a poll in the sidebar but couldn't work out the best way to do it. Please add to the comments if you have numbers you want to share

K x

p.s These are 2 patterns I'm not including in my stash count, which were bought as part of pattern lots on ebay. On the left -  Vogue 6641 a blouse pattern with 23 pieces. I can't even bring myself to count if the pieces are all there. On the right, McCalls 6323, a loose fit 1980s blouse.

I think both of these patterns are so hideous I have never even tried to bring them to a swap. That being said, if anyone in the world has any use for these patterns, let me know by email and they're yours. EDIT - Now Taken


  1. Hello from an Edinburgh sewer, Samantha. I am WAY too embarrassed to discuss my stash (in my 40s now) so how many potential years of Burda is that alone?!
    I agree that your patterns not great, BUT looking through Patrones 291, there is an amazing subtle watercolour effect colour blocking dress (dress 5)that MIGHT (big caveat here) be for inspiration for 6641. NO I'm not the one to try it, back to my first point! LOL. Enjoy your blog.

  2. Great storage box for your dress patterns, light weight and light tight without looking shoeboxy, fabulous!
    My stash is huge too, many patterns unused. I've just gotten rid of all my copies of Burda magazine but still have loads of paper patterns. Some of them are from ebay lots but most are ones I've chosen myself.
    I find that half the reason they're unused is that I don't want to "spoil" them by using them which I know is silly. I have the same thing about some of my stash fabric too, maybe that's just me though!

    1. Thanks, it's actually just from ikea, think its a DVD storage box. The plastic boxes (which come with lids) are from Lidl

  3. I do try to use my fabric stash - because once a fabric is used, it's out of your stash. With patterns, I don't try so hard because even if I do use them, they'll still be in my stash!

  4. umm, actual numbers, i'm at work so i have no idea and can't count. but as a fairly newbie sewist i don't have too many. i know i have lots of dresses, but i'm definitely more of a frosting sewist! i have at least 3 colette dresses (hazel, macaron, peony) plus anise (made) and juniper (have fabric but not yet started). all have been made and i'm sure i will make again. i also have sewaholic alma which i have made and a retro butterick (made). i do have a stash of ebay ones all from the 50s and 60s and i'm a bit scared as they are perforated rather than printed!

    i did make a couple of mistakes when i was very new and bought patterns that had lots of options as i thought it would be better value when patterns are so expensive - so straight leg trousers/ wide leg trousers/ cropped trousers, but actually i just feel like i don't want to make any of them! those are probably my worst buys.

    1. Don't fear the unprinted pattern! They're not really too different.

  5. I have more patterns than I'll ever use, but I can't help it, I have a pattern acquisition addiction! Don't make me count them please! ;)

  6. Thank goodness, you've got more than me! A really good post, it's made me think about what I've got (48 vintage and 7 new … just been to count!) and what I've actually used (not that many). I am absolutely guilty of making things that don't suit my lifestyle, but I didn't really think about it until a read your post. It doesn't really matter if you don't make them, patterns are lovely to just look at anyway!

  7. Of the enormous box of patterns I currently own (down from three ten year ago) only two actually fit ME. The rest are for other people. And as I hardly have time to sew for other people any more, I really don't need to hang onto them. Yet, I do anyway. I feel like if I didn't have a huge box of patterns I would float away like a balloon without ballast. It's a grounding thing. Makes sense to me anyway :)

  8. No idea how many exactly ... rough guess would be 30ish, plus a year's worth of burda magazines. Mine live in a plastic box, too, and are currently unsorted - now I feel inspired to impose some kind of order on them :D
    I have to admit, though, that "sets" for me count as "separates" ... probably because they are separate and could be worn with other items instead of the suggested counterpiece? He, but moot, as your stash order obviously should suit you! Just rambling ...

  9. Oh my goodness, I was torn between wanting to do this and not wanting to know the answer! I suspected I had a bit of an issue and had already put myself on a pattern ban without any concrete facts. Here are my terrible statistics:

    Own - 29; Made - 3 (do I redeem myself by having made 1 of them 4 times?)
    Own - 17; Made - 5 (like you, so much better!)
    Own - 19; Made - 4 (and a couple of those are more than once)

    So I obviously don't need any new patterns. And for me it's not that the dress patterns don't work for my lifestyle - it's that I am struggling with fit. I guess sticking to separates halves the fit issues! :)

    1. Thanks for sharing your numbers, interesting that you have a similar ratio of patterns made in separates and dresses.

  10. I haven't counted, but I've definitely used hardly anything of what I have! Recently I've tried to stop buying, but they're so pretty! There's a few in there I can't see myself ever making so am thinking about giving away - but I wonder if anyone else would even want them!

    1. You'd be surprised what patterns other people fall in love with!

  11. Ooh I actually cleared out my patterns recently cause I'm def more a knitter than a seamstress...but I'm now interested to do the math! :)

  12. How to count the patterns from magazines?%)) I just start to collect Burda magazines and you can find pretty cheap them here(1 magazine 1 or 2 pound) - so it is difficult to stop!:))) But you can use them for years, I think!

    1. You could count the actual magazines and then count how many you have made at least one item from I suppose? That would maybe be most equivalent way.

    2. No, I understand, I even can multiply number of magazines on average number of patters in it, but usually I like 4'5'6 patterns from one magazine, so the amount doesn´t show some useful info, something like this. But in any way it will be huge number,so I don't want to know it%)) Just for my save%)

  13. Hahahaha I don't have anywhere near* as many envelopes I'm awesome yaaay also I saw the last pics and the word hideous and knew they were gonna go like greased lightning. And the next line: gone XDXD

    *Because I usually only sew from magazines, mainly XD

    1. Yeah yeah whatever, I bet you have a big pile of magazines! I don't have any sewing magazines, never used them.

  14. Ok I did an audit, interesting result:

    Dress patterns:
    Own 33, Made 14 (can I redeem myself by saying I just bought a lot of new ones?!)

    Own 23, Made 18 (pretty good amirite?)

    Own 7, Made 3

    I didn't count my vintage patterns cos I figure they are a collection right? I guess I have about 20. I also didn't count my traced off patterns e.g. Burda, I probably have about 10-15 of these but these are mostly used. I have previously traced more but tend to bin them if I don't really like the finished result or feel they are 'one off makes'. I have a problem? ;-)

    1. Those numbers are pretty good, a good ratio of patterns made to total number. Though I do think not counting vintage is cheating!!

  15. On the face of it I seem to have an unusually large number of unused patterns compared to commenters. BUT am pretty certain a lot of people are in denial/too afraid to count.

    Knowledge is power after all!

  16. My patterns are not nearly so well organised, even gathering them all together to count them is beyond me. Remember, there are worse vices than sewing patterns!

  17. Here are my stats, if it were Saturday afternoon I would read them out in the style of final score:

    Patterns 20 Made 7

    Patterns 11 Made 5

    Patterns 7 Made 1

    I too have relegated some patterns to a division of their own that doesn't count. When I saw your post I had a sinking feeling that I too was suffering from a dreadful dress addiction. Separates are def. the way forward, not least the halving of the fitting issues as another commenter had already pointed out!

    1. Thanks for sharing Penny! I did imagine them being read like football scores - very effective :-)

  18. Hmm, I think the real offenders, like me, are too lazy to count. I would say I have maybe 200 patterns and I have made up maybe half? I might have more than 200. I just buy vintage patterns whenever I see them at estate sales, and then later have giveaways with ones I know I will never make.

    1. That's quite a collection - it is definitely hard to resist a haul of cheap vintage patterns.

  19. I have over 200 patterns, none of them vintage. I am embarrassed to say that I have sewn very few of them. There is no way you can make me work out the actual number 8-), I am ashamed by the number as it is. However almost all the patterns are designer (Vogue, bought on sale of course), and are one of a kind, Marcy Tilton, Sandra Betzina, etc. Once they aren't in the regular catalogue, you are at the mercy of Ebay.

  20. So ... after reading your post (and Debi Fry's post on vintage pattern sites - OMG HEAVEN), I decided two things: 1. those two vintage patterns I fell in love with were definitely going to be mine, and 2. those are the last two patterns I am buying until 2014. I have three huge containers full of patterns, and most haven't been made. Hopefully I'll resolve that next year!!

    1. Ooh, a whole year of not buying patterns! I'd love to get a look at your pattern collection! :)


Thanks for reading and commenting - I love to hear what you have to say