
Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Holiday and (a little) Giveaway

As a few people have actually kindly asked to see some of my photos here they are, plus a little giveaway too, right at the end of the post.

I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to Torontonian Kristin of K-Line and New Yorkian Sonja of Ginger Makes, who both gave me a load of great suggestions for places to go when I emailed them before the trip. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to do everything they suggested, but I still fitted in a lot.

 Starting in Toronto - this is is the Garment District but such is my restraint I didn't go into a single fabric shop there as I was saving it for NYC. (Wearing my Sailor Picnic Skirt). We had a lovely time wandering about Toronto. I really liked Kensington Market and the Queen Street area - so many interesting shops to browse in.

Niagara Falls!

Of course we got our lovely  plastic ponchos on for a trip on the Maid of the Mist, which was really fun.

Then indulged in the tacky delights of Niagara. Such as....

Dinosaur Adventure Golf! Here I am being fake-menaced by a dinosaur

Then, onto the worst wax museum we could find - the Rock Legends Wax Museum.

Here I am pretending to be blessed by wax Michael Jackson. 

And my word, the waxworks were terrible. But good terrible. Who do you recognise?

Then on to New York City!

  We did a boat trip that went around Manhatten island

Went to lots of Museums (this is MoMA)

Saw the Flatiron building and walked over the Brooklyn Bridge (wearing 2 handmades - a Sorbetto and wrap skirt

Brooklyn Botanical Gardens

Went to Coney Island (I wore this maxi dress a lot, it was great holiday wear)

Pretended to interact with some more waxworks (Woody Allen and F Scott Fitzgerald)
I should point out that we would not normally pay to get into Madame Tussauds (it was $36 -eek!), but it was one of the attractions included on the passes we bought and we had some free time, so we thought why not?

We also went on an NBC Studio Tour, did a bike tour of Central Park, went up the Empire State Building, went to a comedy club, saw a film in Central Park and lots of other things that I have forgotten. Before we went we got these New York Passes which covered pretty much everything we wanted to see, as first-time visitors to NYC.

Then a 12 hour train journey back to Canada...

 I am stretching out my legs to show the excellent leg room, even in coach class

Then a few more days with my family in Toronto and London, Ontario.

Ice hockey game in London

So, now you have looked at the photos, here's the giveaway:

 (Sorry about the terrible photo)

It's a little retractable tape measure I bought at Mood Fabrics in NYC. I love these measures, they are so handy. I have one in my knitting bag and always have one in my handbag. I find it really useful if shopping for vintage clothes. When I'm not sure how the fit will be and don't want to try it on, I just measure the waist.

If you would like to win the tape measure, please say so in the comments below. I will choose a winner on Sunday 23rd September after 5pm GMT by a random method. Entries welcome from anywhere.

I'll be back again soon with some posts about things I have actually made instead of talking about holidays or meeting up with other bloggers - fancy that, eh?

K x

p.s My top celebrity spot was the fearsome Anna Wintour! She got out of a car in Greenwich Village and went into an apartment - She looked exactly like you would expect, with her trademark bob, and I noticed that she had a swanky leather tag with her initials on her handbag.


  1. What fabulous trip photos! Your me-made maxi dress looks gorgeous, what a great make it was. Did you get to keep the poncho? Bet you'll get tons of wear out of it!! xxx
    PS I'd love to enter, my usual hand bag tape measure's disgracefully tatty. x

  2. what a gorgeous holiday wardrobe! is it wrong that I was looking at your outfits rather than the pictures? and the tape measure - why not?

  3. Amazing pics. Blimey, you like your waxwords don't you?! What a brilliant idea a handy tape measure is. I'd love to be considered. xx

    1. Yeah, there was a definite waxworks theme going on, unintentionally

  4. Wow! It looks as though you had a fabulous trip!
    Count me in for the tape measure please!

  5. I'd love a tape measure, I had a nice pink one in my desk drawer which my boys managed to rip out of its case a few months back, I've been a bit lost without it! Looks like you had a fab trip!

  6. I can always use another tape measure! If I get enough, maybe I'll eventually find one where I need it!

  7. Looks like you had a faboosh vacay! Glad you had a great time.
    Count me in for the tape measure, s'il vous plait :)

  8. I love your holiday wardrobe! It sounds/looks like a lovely trip. Please count me in for the tape measure :)

  9. It looks like you had a wonderful trip, and such great weather too! No need to count me for the tape measure, I have a few already :-)

  10. Wow, you fit so many things into your trip! And what a great celebrity sighting! You can leave me out of the giveaway, though, as Mood is my home away from home, so someone else will enjoy the tape measure more. It really was delightful to meet you!

  11. It sounds like you had such an awesome trip! And spotting Anna Wintour - fabulous!! Thanks for sharing the photos and what you got up to - so much fun to read about. :-)

    (Oh, and I'd love to be in the draw for the tape measure, please. I never thought about carrying one in my handbag for vintage shopping - brilliant idea.)

  12. Looks like a fabulous trip, thanks for sharing the photos.
    I would love the Mood tape measure.

  13. Great photos! Thanks for sharing :o)

  14. How wonderful! Thanks for sharing especially the terrible waxworks...I do love a nasty waxwork figure. I think yours are even better han the models of Madonna, and Britney Spears in sunny Blackpool and they are pants. The better waxworks are good...that does look like Woody Allen sitting there!
    And Zoltar! Always reminds me of Tom Hanks in Big.XXX

  15. Love the dinosaur photo! Please put my name in for the tape measure - I lost mine in the move, and I'm really missing it!

  16. Great pics. I particularly like the dinosaur one, he he. And SHEESH! You don't get legroom like that on Ryanair!!

    1. I know, I thought of it wistfully when on my Easyjet flight to Bristol airport, and it felt like the back of the seat in front of me was touching my face!

  17. I can't believe you saw Anna Wintour!!! I've always wanted to go to mood fabrics (because of Project Runway!)

  18. I could always use another one of that type of measuring tape, I never have one in the right bag I'm carrying!

    The trip pics look great... who the heck was the maniacally grinning blonde wax dude??

    1. Along the top left to right are Johnny Rotten, Mick Jagger, Buddy Holly and below are Stevie Wonder and Elton John....yeah...

  19. looks like you had an amazing holiday! Those wax works are quite frightening, I think!
    ooo - yes please re the tape measure! great idea to have one in one's handbag!

  20. I'm glad you had a great vacation! I've never actually seen Anna Wintour, though one of my friends who used to work at Conde Nast shared an elevator with her once.

  21. Mood, you went to Mood - how I envy you - I yearn for Mood. Can you guess which programme I love?

  22. Jealous! Looks like a fabby trip! I can't believe you spotted Anna Wintour!

  23. It looks like you had such a fabulous time!! And I LOVE all of your pictures with the waxworks - hilarious!


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