
Sunday, 20 May 2012

Workhorse Knitting

Here's what's been on my needles over the past few weeks:


It's the Manu cardigan by Kate Davies, for which I'm using a New Lanark DK wool with a bit of silk. I've knitted 12.5 inches so far and need to get up to about 18 inches for this main part of the body. The back and sides are knit in one, on a long circular needle, and apart from the garter stitch edging, it's stockinette all the way.

This might seem boring but I'm really loving it, as I can knit easily while watching TV since I don't need to keep looking at the knitting, and it's great for on the move as I don't need to refer to a pattern, only keep an eye on the length. I think the rest of the pattern will be an opportunity to try a few new techniques, but just now, I'm happy knitting back and forth, one row knit, one row purl, one row knit, one row purl....

Seconds after I put the knitting down, there was a cat on it.

K x


  1. ahh your cat is so cute...

    Oh how I wished i could knit without looking .. I'm such a terrible knitter

    Looking forward to see it ready, the colour is very particle and I'm sure you will get so much use of it.

  2. I'd like to make this eventually; it does seem a bit repetitive, but there are some times when that's exactly what I need. Can't wait to see it finished!

  3. This is a lovely pattern, and I intend to make it myself. It's looking great so far, and what is it about cats and knitting?! :)

  4. Looking lovely and I know what you mean about having an 'easy' project on the go that you can actually do whilst on the move/watching telly! It gets boring if it's all you do, but it's a nice change sometimes and it's also nice when patterns combine easy and tricky!

  5. Sweet! There's something to be said for projects you don't have to think too hard on. Looking good!

  6. I'm a bit of a newbie at knitting garments (or knitting generally), and discovered quickly that I drop stitches (and lose the plot!) if I watch anything with subtitles or my detailed that's been it for Danish drama for a bit!

    Question about the wool; how soft is the New Lanark silk mix? I've been wondering, given its rather good price, and Hoxton Handmade's positive write up of it. I had a few Shetland jumpers as a child, which were monumentally scratchy...

    1. Hi CamberwellGal! As it's my first time knitting with New Lanark I feel I cannot give a thorough review until I have tried washing it (and blocking is some way off yet!). So far though I have not felt it to be scratchy though I don't think I would use it for a baby or children's garment as it is not 'soft' as such. I don't think the silk element contributes a great deal to the feel of the wool as it is such a small percentage of the mix. From what I have read, it does soften when washed, and I would recommend that you have a look on Ravelry for reviews of how others have got on with using the wool. However there's nothing like trying it for yourself and it's not an expensive wool I would buy a ball and try knitting some swatches.

  7. Does the cat help with th knitting?

    1. She's no help at all, but enjoys the results :)

  8. I'm always amazed by how knitters with cats have those cats all over the knitting in 2 seconds flat! And how the knitters are so mellow about it. I won't let my kid touch my wares without washing her hands :-) Guess I should calm down.

    1. Heh, I don't think I could prevent my cats from sitting on my knitting, they view it as their feline right. I just try and have a lint roller handy :)

  9. I love the Manu-- can't wait to see your finished version!


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