
Monday, 6 June 2011

Me Made June - Days 4, 5 & 6

Just a short post with updates on my outfits for Me Made June. I've been posting them daily in the flickr group too.
  Day 4 - Top made from a M&S Dress - I'd split the seams as it was really a bit small, so chopped off the bottom to make a blouse. The hem isn't quite as wonky as it looks here, honest! Worn with an H&M belt and Gap jeans.
Day 5 - As seen in the last post, Crescent skirt

Day 6 - Hand knitted Rosa sweater, as blogged here

I've not been idle on the sewing front either- one project completed and ready to show you this week, and another half done. You might remember that I was going to re-style 2 items during the month, and the half-finished item is one of those re-styles.

I've been really enjoying MMJ so far, and seeing all the great outfits on the flickr page - have a look!

K x


  1. I like all three outfits!

  2. Fabulous MMJ!! I LOVE the sweater! I must have missed that's soooo wonderful!

  3. Very pretty top, and you know how much I love the skirt!! x

  4. You look so happy in your crescent skirt, I'm so happy you managed to make it fit!

  5. I love the outfits, especially the sweater and the crescent skirt. I also love how you wore that red belt over that top.very trendy!!


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