
Thursday, 23 June 2011

Me Made June - Days 19, 20, 21 & 22

A short post with a round up of my outfits for the last 4 days:

Day 19 - Bird print dress. Worn for a day of being in the house, cleaning and listing stuff on Ebay - that always takes longer than you think!

Day 20 - Black and white Sencha worn with black Monsoon skirt, and matching cat thrown in for good measure.

Day 21 - Handknitted Oatmeal pullover worn with mad hair - cheers rain!

Day 22 - Audrey in Unst cardigan that I dislike because it is too big, and I used horrible yarn.


  1. your cat is sooo cute. lol. your sweaters are lovely. i continue to marvel at your ability to contstruct garments with wool.


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