
Thursday, 26 May 2011

Knit Bits


Despite being firmly resolved to get on with Me Made June sewing, I've been finding my attention captured by vintage knitting patterns. So much so, I have made a new page on my blog with links to free vintage patterns which can be found online. I've been working on this for a while - there isn't much to it at the minute but you wouldn't believe how long it took to get it to this stage, trying to coax Blogger into letting me put images beside each other was a major struggle.

I have also succumbed to the lure of Stitchcraft. This vintage magazine has been mentioned on so many blogs that I thought I'd better get myself a copy to see what all the fuss was about. I bought a copy from March 1957 (pictured above), and even if the patterns aren't up to much, I'm sure it will be enjoyable for a browse. It should be winging its way to me as I type. At £2.90 (incl P&P) it's certainly cheaper than the contemporary knitting and sewing magazines I sometimes but, and never make anything from.

On a non-knitting theme, have you seen the new free pattern from Colette Patterns - the Sorbetto top?

It's so simple and pretty, and I couldn't believe how similar it was to a project I posted about yesterday that I planned using Simplicity 2593 without the neckline detail and using decorated bias binding. Spooky, eh? I might try the Colette version instead, once my lovely bias binding arrives...

K x


  1. Very pretty top, not mad on the salmon for it though...

    How DID you get the pictures side by side?! I've never worked it out and alays end up faffing on in Paint if I want to do it! (Technologically challenged)

  2. Hi Lucy, I think the problem is with Blogger - I managed to get the pictures side by side only when I edited the page using Internet Explorer as my browser, not my usual Firefox. Then, it was just a matter of dragging them about and selecting whether I wanted the pictures to be left, centre or right.

  3. I love that new colette top too! So wearable and cute!


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