
Sunday, 6 March 2011

Stitching for International Women's Day

This weekend I've spent a good few hours (5, to be exact) stitching together knitted and crocheted squares. The venue was the Tramway in Glasgow and my stitching was part of a project to make a blanket for International Women's Day, with 100 million stitches to represent 100 million women who are estimated to be missing from the world today due to violence and gender discrimination. You can find out more about the project here.

I had previously knitted some squares for the project and there were hundreds requiring to be sewn together. Normally I hate sewing up pieces of knitting but I really enjoyed contributing to the project and the time just flew in. It was lovely to think of all the love and care which had been put into making all the squares and it was such a nice atmosphere to be in. I will be returning to Tramway on Tuesday evening to see the knitting displayed, so there will be even more photos to come...


Strips of Squares (Mine and Emma's!) 

Partly made blankets 

Our workstation 

Bags of squares 

Wall of squares 

 Another partly-made blanket

And finally! Some more boxes of Squares


  1. WOW! That is fantastic! I can't wait to see it all made up!!

  2. One hundred million women? God that's shocking isn't it? You're doing a great job. I love the hotch-potch-ness of it, all the colours and the knitting next to the crochet :)

  3. Its divine and creative side by side. I loved the idea of doing this great job at Women's Day. You have made this a memorable day. Cheers!!


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