
Wednesday, 26 January 2011

A Useful Find


When I started this blog, I used to post a lot more pictures of 'finds', as the title of the blog suggests. I haven't posted any for ages as I've been busy making things, however I have still been finding a few things. Maybe finds are less interesting to read about, and I have been so pleased to get feedback from my recent posts about things I have made that I should forget about the finding part of the blog!

Nonetheless, I present a new purchase of a tablecloth decorated with cross stitch pagodas. I have a lovely tablecloth that used to be my Gran's but I needed something smaller that was easier to wash and iron when it got dirty, as tablecloths invariably do. I see a lot of table linen on my charity shop visits and am usually very restrained but this gem was just what I was looking for and I thought it was really pretty. I have no idea when it dates from and wish I knew more about dating textiles. Anyway it was £1.50 so I thought it was a bargain.

On the same theme of 'finds', I have been having a tidy up and clear out of our flat the last few weekends. While going through some old school books and folders, I found some poems I had written when I was about 13, when my friend and I used to go to Poetry Club after school. Yes, Poetry Club, although my friend's mum called it 'Biscuit Club,' doubting our motives for going there. I'm afraid I am unwilling to share them with the world, but they are quite unintentionally funny. The nice thing was that finding them made me get in touch with my friend from school, and we had a good laugh at our juvenile poetry efforts and enjoyed reminiscing.

Hope you're having a good week,

K x

1 comment:

  1. Wow - a cross stitch pagoda! How unusual! Nope, 'finds' are definitely interesting, at least to me. I guess people are just so impressed with what you make that they want to tell you about it.

    Hurrah for bad poetry and good friendships :)


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