
Friday, 7 January 2011

Plans for 2011

So, it's 2011. Looking ahead to the year, I'm thinking about what I'd like to make this year. I've already started two new knitting projects;

Cable cardigan in 4 ply from Debbie Bliss Land Girl book;

And an Oatmeal Pullover, with a narrower neckline;

I don't want to give myself strict deadlines and rules, as I think that takes the enjoyment out of knitting and sewing. However I have a few ideas about what I'd like to achieve...

  • Make more clothing instead of buying it. I can already feel things have changed over the past year as I am more interested in buying materials for making, rather than buying clothes - vintage excepted
  • Gain a better understanding of fit. I've ordered Real Fit for Real People, which I hope will help explain some of the mysteries to me. I've been participating in the Crepe Sewalong, but progress has been hampered by difficulties with getting a good fit on my muslin, which I've found stressful - not how sewing is suppose to be!
  • Design a knitting pattern - I wanted to do this in 2010 but didn't know where to start. I hope my new evening class will be helpful with this one
  • DE-STASH. I'm not too bad with fabric but have a lot of wool. I need to prioritise this when selecting knitting projects.
  • Continue sewing clothing and enjoying it.
Happy 2011 everyone!

K x

1 comment:

  1. Somewhere in theose Superstich books is a bit about designing knitting patterns. It's a bit superficial, but it does cover the basics. I used it, so I'm sure you can! Good luck!


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