
Friday, 21 January 2011

Leopard Crepe - Finished!

 What did I like about this project?
  • Pattern and instructions were brilliant - as ever, Colette Patterns come up trumps with a pattern that is a dream to follow. Honestly, I'm a little concerned about using any other pattern range that doesn't explain everything so beautifully!
  • My fabric - I was so excited when I found it. I really never thought I would own a leopard print dress, but now I do!
  • The pockets. I just love a dress with pockets.
  • The piping. It was my first time trying piping and though it was a bit of a faff to cut all the bias strips, I'm delighted with the result. Next time I will be using this clever tutorial from Colette Patterns. When I'd finished the piping and turned the bodice and facing the round the right way, it was so exciting. I felt the same way as when I first made pockets (for my Beignet skirt) - "Wow this actually looks like something on a garment I would buy!". I'm really keen to use piping again on a project soon.
  • It was a good experience to be involved in the sewalong, even though I didn't do anything at the right time! I started late because of my muslin issues then rushed ahead as I was enjoying the make so much. I'm looking forward to seeing the range of Crepes appear in the Flickr group

What did I dislike about this project?

  • If anything let my dress down, it was my own sewing skills. Perhaps partly because I was so excited, some of the sewing is seriously dodgy. It's hard to believe that I wasn't drunk or blindfolded when I sewed the hem....
 Yikes! I'll just keep moving so no-one can see it...
  • I struggled with the fit. I made one muslin which was huuuuge and then felt a bit overwhelmed and unsure how to best alter it. It knocked my confidence a bit, although I could see from the Flickr group that nearly everyone else was having the same problem. In the end, I just made the next size down for the final piece instead of making a 2nd muslin, and I slightly lowered the bust points. It was still a bit large though, which led to me having to do a kind of botched adjustment to the bodice after it was finished. For this, I brought the side seams in by about half an inch each side, tapering to the waist.
Preparation for taking the bodice side seams in

Would I make the pattern again?
  • Most definitely. I love the result and the pattern was great to use.
  • Next time I would do a better job with the fit of the bodice, instead of doing it as an after thought. I think it requires a proper bust adjustment
  • Next time I will put more consideration into the finishing. I just pinked the edges which is ok, but it would have been nicer to put a but more time and effort into this. The pattern suggests you can use binding on your seams, and I might try this next time to neaten things up. 
With my feline sewing companions, Dot and Tilda

So, what's next? I'm hoping to make a skirt this weekend using the wool left over from my Beignet skirt. I also need to do some work for my new Knitting evening class,  which I will post about soon. I'm also interested in the Spring Palette Challenge, posted at Colette Patterns so I'm going to have a think about getting involve in that too.

Have a nice weekend!

K x

Edit - a big THANK YOU  to my husband for his photography - he was threatening legal action when I told him I forgot to credit him.


    1. Really pretty! I love the leopard print. :)

    2. Kestrel, this looks AMAZING! It's the first Crepe I've seen that's made me think "I want one of those!" - I think it's the piping around the neckline that has made my heart beat that little bit faster. Well done :)

    3. It looks FANTASTIC! I love it! And your cats are so lovely!

    4. Oh it's fab and the piping is the perfect finishing touch. Forget the wonky hem, nobody will notice that, hope you're feeling proud of yourself! x

    5. That's really impressive Kerry. I never had either the patience or co-ordination for piping!

    6. Love the piping! The dress looks great!

    7. Thanks for all the lovely comments everyone! I'm really pleased I took the plunge with the piping as it's a great finishing touch. If you've never tried it, it's not all that difficult - I managed to do a decent job with it, and you've seen how wonky my sewing can be :)

    8. Love the piping and the neckline! You are very honest to show that hem - we would never have spotted it in the main pics!

    9. I found you on Burdastyle and I really like this dress and all of your knitting projects! Very impressive!

    10. The first thing I noticed was the piping. An excellent touch; it finishes the dress perfectly. Very lovely!

    11. Yay! Brilliant dress and looks fab on you :)

    12. Wow, this is beautiful! well done - especially on the piping! I love your fabric choice - I normally wouldn't pick leopard print for myself, but having seen your dress, I'm rethinking this.


    Thanks for reading and commenting - I love to hear what you have to say