Pattern Monday #9

Can you imagine the effect created when this lady walks past you? Pattern overload.

Thanks to Debi for bringing this to my attention. The best thing is, this astounding pattern is still available to buy from Etsy here as part of a pattern booklet.

K x


  1. I wonder if she had matching knitted knickers!

  2. the jumper OR the tights could work (and then I would knit the tights in grey) but both, really ??? Was that ever fashionable?

  3. Actually, I think the ensemble will only be complete if she had a matching skirt, and perhaps a matching beret.

  4. Wow! That's amazing! She looks like she's part of a traveling circus-- a juggler, maybe?

  5. I think I saw on the royal mile a similar idea. LOL tartan jumper+socks.. ..

  6. One wonders if there is a pattern for a "matching" argyle skirt within the pages of this fine publication ... and then one shakes the nightmare image out of ones' brain.


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