On The Needles...

Last week I began knitting the Aestlight Shawl, designed by Gudrun Johnson, aka The Shetland Trader. I've been of a mind to knit a shawl for a while, since knitting a mini shawl at my knitting class earlier in the year. Really I could have /should have designed my own pattern, as I did during the class, but why do that when there are such pretty patterns available already?

Aestlight by Gudrun

I also though the pattern would be perfect to use the wool I got as a birthday gift earlier in the year. I was invited to choose from the selection at Ripples Crafts, which is an independent yarn dying business based in Scotland. I selected this four ply merino wool in the colour 'Lipstick', a gorgeous bright red. I thought the bright colour would look really striking with the structured border of the shawl.

The first step is to knit a large garter stitch triangle, increasing by one stitch using a yarn over at the start of each row. You then pick up stitches from from YO's to create the border. I've been really enjoying knitting the garter stitch, and only need to knit another 10 rows before I can start on the border sections. Those will be a bit more challenging, so it should make for a balanced project overall.

Progress so far

Close up, showing yarn overs

The wool is fantastically soft and I've got high hopes for the rest of the project having knitted using one of Gudrun's patterns previously - the Audrey in Unst cardigan. My version was crap, and I rarely wear it, but it was a well written and clear pattern so am hoping for the same with this shawl.

On a sewing tip, is anyone else doing the Colette Patterns Rooibos sewalong? I bought my pattern yesterday from M is for Make and am considering making a wool version, depending on the selection in Mandors when I visit. I've been wanting to make another Colette Patterns dress for a while and this was one of favourites, so when the sewalong was announced the decision was made. Now, just the matter of finishing those other 2 dresses first....

K x


  1. I LOVE my Aestlight! Yours is looking lovely, and of course it is with such lovely yarns as Helen's from Ripples!!! I can't wait to see it finished. I feel the same way about design, sometimes I'm too lazy and too distracted by all the other pretty patterns out there! My next shawl plan is Simmer Dim, also by Gudrun.

  2. Beautiful colour for your shawl. I'm doing the Rooibos sewalong too. Waiting for the pattern to arrive to buy the fabric which I'm also considering using wool.

  3. That is beautiful, it's like an heirloom piece. I love the colour you chose. x

  4. I love that colour too, it's gorgeous! I'm not doing the Rooibos, it wouldn't really suit me but I'm hoping to pick up some tips anyway as they can often be applied to other projects. I've had the Macaron pattern for AGES now and really must get on with it...

  5. How beautiful! I am almost finished my first shawl (http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/basic-triangle-shawl) and am getting a bit apprehensive about the pick ups.

    I love the lipstick red wool - it will look smashing on you! :)

  6. OOOh! It looks lovely! I am still scared to knit something like that. No actually, I am just distracted all the time by sewing & never give knitting a chance. Maybe in the autumn ...Look forward to Rooibos-sewing -along with you :-)


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