A Prize & An Award

Just a quick post to say a couple of thank yous. First is to A Thrifty Mrs for hosting the giveaway in which I won this lovely book, A Green Guide to Country Crafts:

I've never won a blog giveaway, despite entering quite a few. However since I've recently hosted a giveaway of my own, there must be some kind of 'blogging giveaway karma' involved. I received the book in the post yesterday, and enjoyed having a look through, making a note of potential projects. The ideas include making your own soap, which I would love to try at some point. Have you ever tried making your own soap? I am a little bit intimidated by the process, but the book does have some lovely sounding soap recipes. It's a beautifully put together and photographed book, and would make a nice gift for a crafty person.

Mrs 'Thrifty Mrs' herself is a great fan of charity shops, like myself, and her blog is full of great thrifty ideas (funny that!) relating to fashion, home and lifestyle. If you haven't checked it out, her blog is well worth a look.

Also, thanks to Wendy of The Butterfly Balcony who gave me a Liebster Blog award.Wendy's lovely blog covers vintage lifestyle, including vintage knitting. Her pretty rambling rose pattern can be found on her site here.

Knitted Rambling Rose - Image from The Butterfly Balcony

Hope you all have a lovely weekend, whatever you're up to. I will be chained to the sewing machine in order to make a dress for a wedding in a couple of weeks, which I have so far failed to produce, despite having had the fabric and pattern for months. If I don't start it tomorrow it is perfectly possible that I will be frantically trying to complete it the night before the wedding. Why is it that we leave things to the last minute when we have plenty of time? Am sure it's not just me who does this. Anyway, I am hoping that I will be able to show it off in my next post in a nearly finished state.

K x


  1. Have a lovely weekend and happy sewing!
    I'm always intruiged by soap making but then Fight Club comes to mind! x

  2. I'm terrible for leaving things til the last minute too, that's why my hands are like claws as I try to speed-crochet a blanket in two weeks flat :(

    Well done on the win and the award, I'm loving your shoes! xx


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