I think I'm most pleased with this version of the blouse. I love the neckline tucks, and much prefer the back with buttons rather than poppers. The button hole feature on my machine also worked perfectly, after some misbehaving on a previous project.
I was pleased to make use of these particular buttons too. They're a bit smaller than recommended but large buttons are not very practical to have down the back of your blouse if you're planning to be comfortable when sitting down. I also machine stitched the folds for the buttons on each side of the back, instead of hand stitching. This has been a weak point for previous versions and I think it looks absolutely fine machine stitched.
So, on to the next project, which will be Beignet, also by Colette Patterns. I've seen some lovely colourful versions of this skirt but have decided to go for a more sober wool, with a spotted lining.
The wool is gorgeous, and I'm hoping practical, as it will go with a lot of things, and both blacks and browns. The spotted lining was bought from a charity shop a couple of months ago.
(shown with cat's head for scale, and because she has to sniff everything when I'm trying to take photos)
K x
It looks great! I can't wait to see how your woolen beignet turns out. I am in love with all things wool and have been eyeing that pattern for a long time, so I may have to actually make it after I see yours!